Splash recall from wildlife
Found old footage of Splashers from 13 years ago on my harddrive doing a recall away from chasing crows. Splash I hope you're getting to chase crows in heaven :) I dont generally let dogs chase wildlife. But my girl Splash so enjoyed it and I only let her do it in scenarios where the animals were used to loose running dogs and not going to be overly stressed by it. Now I let Bliss and Cloud chase the small animals from my dogs play areas, because otherwise there are too too many that come because I trained my others to ignore them. Video of the amount of wild life that used to hang out in my yard and my other dogs ignoring then after training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uTgSr0acBo
Why I use a hands off approach when playing tug with dogs
Tips for house training a puppy #dogtraining #puppytraining
It's important to understand that just because something on social media doesn't mean it's the easiest or safest way to do something. Often times people don't know what they don't know.For example, I have seen a lot of young trainers and dog enthusiasts struggling to train the rear end awareness exercise beginning with a balanced disc because of seeing an example on social media and struggling to get their dog to turn in a full circle around it. This video explains why this is problematic when training a new behavior To use an unstable platform. #dogtraining #dogobedience #dogfitness #canineconditioning #dogtricks #positivereinforcementtraining #dogtrainer
Getting started training your dog with Clicker Training! How to get started clicker training your dog. Emily Larlham AKA kikopup has been making free training videos for well over a decade so check out her huge library of dog and puppy training tutorials ranging from topics such as getting started training mouthing biting pulling on leash jumping up and issues such as fear reactivity and aggression.Happy training!-Kikopup #dogtraining #clicertraining #puppytraining #positivetraining #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #dogyrainer #professionaldogtrainer #dogtrainingadvice #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingtricks #puppytraining