Wright Direction Horsemanship, LLC

Wright Direction Horsemanship, LLC We offer riding lessons to riders of all ages and abilities! Equestrian Services and Biofeedback Therapy

So thankful for this barn and the opportunity to live this lifestyle 🩵⭐️ Hoping to bring lessons back as the littles get...

So thankful for this barn and the opportunity to live this lifestyle 🩵⭐️
Hoping to bring lessons back as the littles get bigger! We will see what God has in store for the future

Less Chemicals, Less Stress, Biofeedback DiscountAre you poisoning your family by your product choices? Each day, I work...

Less Chemicals,

Less Stress,
Biofeedback Discount

Are you poisoning your family by your product choices?

Each day, I work people of all backgrounds and locations.
One of the common themes I see are chemicals that should not otherwise be introduced into the body. Example: Formaldehyde!
I wondered for years why I would see such things and played it off as a coincidence.

With our own issues that I was constantly having to work back through, I was introduced to a sweet, smart lady named Melissa Flynt. She is a fellow Christian with a heart to help others. She had experienced toxicity in their own home, which was negatively effecting both her and her children, (migraines, skin issues, etc). She made it her goal to learn as much as possible and to start finding products that would not poison her family.

In speaking to her, she brought to my attention just how many poisons I have in my own home. Between cleaning products, hand soap, body soaps and shampoos, dishwasher liquid, makeup, etc. etc. etc.
Most common brands- even those that claim to be organic (Mrs. Meyers, Burt’s Bees, etc.) that we get from the grocery store have some pretty horrendous chemicals hidden in their makeup. Some of which they purposely leave off the label and send you to a website. Who goes to the website to finish reading ingredients? I don’t!

We don’t think much about it but we know this to be true simply in the fact that Poison Control is always prompted if a child is to ingest any name-brand chemicals.

She explained to me that my name-brand dish soap had FORMALDEHYDE in it- Which explains why I have always had itchy skin when doing dishes. 🤯

The company that she has invested her time and research into is who I have begun to get all of my products from and I have seen a huge difference.
One bonus— I no longer feel like I am choking myself out to clean a bathroom 🤣

The products are inexpensive and just as effective as name-brand products, without the toxins that harm both people and animals. They also give back to multiple non-profits so you are helping others far outside your own family.

My goal for this month is to help clients switch to clean products to reduce the stress-load on your body.

I can clear all toxins via Biofeedback and even detox your system of toxins BUT if you turn around and “fill the cup” back up- you may see a return in some of your ailments. These could come in the form of respiratory issues, digestive problems, brain fog, skin issues- along with much more!

To save you headache, (maybe literally) please reach out to Melissa Flynt. The process is easy. She will have you either join her on a Zoom Call to give you insight on the products and to help you get set up. She does all the hard work and finds the best deals. She’s a pro.
You’ll find that you have thousands of products to choose from and her help makes it a lot easier as you get started. She even placed the order for me so it made my life super easy.

Contact info: Melissa Flynt +1 (940) 393-8970
She will likely ask who sent you. Tell her my name! In exchange, I will discount your next session by 25% as a thank you for helping me not have to see so many toxins!

Side note #1: I despise despise despise pyramid schemes so I balked at first. Then I realized it was actually super helpful and the products are unbeatable. I can’t even shop at local stores now. Even my kids love the products and favor them.
Side note #2: There is a yearly subscription fee but they run deals all the time. I got mine for $1.
Side note #3: There is a monthly point minimum to be aware of. Once you realize that the products are awesome, it’s pretty easy to achieve, but in the event that you don’t get to the point level required- there are ways around it.

Testimony Update!

Bone Chip Cow
A long time client had to work one of the cows in their bucking stock. She had been limping for days and was not looking well. She was also carrying a calf, so it was eminent that she be able to function properly. We did a remote scan and within a couple days, I was notified that she was totally back to normal. The key stressor that kept reappearing was bone stress and specifically a possible bone chip. After the vet checked her out in the following days- he actually could see a location that looked like a bone ship had blown out following her scan!! Ginger the cow is doing great!!

Diabetic Blood Sugar Levels Stabilized
I recently had a client come in for their first session. One of their ailments was diabetes. This particular person had a monitor installed that they could check using an app. We worked diabetes along with many other stressors during their scan. We checked their monitor following the session. The numbers had trended downwardly during the session. This has happened in the past with other diabetic patients. So cool!

Feeling Lighter
Multiple clients continue to report that they feel lighter after their Sessions, both those that are performed remotely, and those that are performed in person!
Most say that they do not realize how much they are carrying until we release those stressors. It’s a beautiful thing!

Click here for an update from Wright Direction Enterprises!

Thank goodness that He is Risen. ✝️

Thank goodness that He is Risen. ✝️

These two are ready to support you as you work through your Biofeedback sessions. The L.I.F.E. System opens up the chann...

These two are ready to support you as you work through your Biofeedback sessions.

The L.I.F.E. System opens up the channels for healing and these sweet souls help you walk through those releases.

…It works either way BUT who doesn’t want some horsey snuggles to top off their session? 😜

Message me to book your relaxation combo 🩷

Guys, you’ve got to go read these reviews if you’re on the fence about Biofeedback. I’m surrounded by AMAZING clients 🥺I...

Guys, you’ve got to go read these reviews if you’re on the fence about Biofeedback. I’m surrounded by AMAZING clients 🥺
It’s such an honor to get to join in on these folks healing journey while earning their trust since this modality isn’t the most common out there. All that to say that it may not be the first thing on most peoples mind when they think about their issues but it SHOULD be!
I pray that I can help as many people and animals as possible. According to Friday last week, I have worked just over 300 clients in 2 years. 😯


Shoot me a message or give me a shout at 940-210-9743 if I can help you, a family member, a friend, or your animal!

425 Co Rd 2788, Sunset, TX 76225

Horse/animal people… Some compare L.I.F.E. Biofeedback to Acuscope/Equiscope.  Check out their differences and similarit...

Horse/animal people… Some compare L.I.F.E. Biofeedback to Acuscope/Equiscope. Check out their differences and similarities, affording to what I could find on it 🩷

I don’t know what average pricing is for that modality but my services range from $50 to $150 depending on length of session and whether you choose to have your animal worked here on site, via our Metaspace option (remotely) or through our Mobile option where I physically bring the machine to your animal. ✨


Our open house was scheduled for the 23rd but I will be postponing it until a date in April! 🩷 Stay tuned 🩷

Today’s update on our session from last night on how his lovely girl. 🥰

Today’s update on our session from last night on how his lovely girl. 🥰

This was in reference to a sweet horse I worked last weekend for the first time. They’ve been dealing with ongoing sound...

This was in reference to a sweet horse I worked last weekend for the first time. They’ve been dealing with ongoing soundness issues. I was so happy to get to work on him and his friends. This also makes me so happy! 🩷

This is one our little clients who was facing some pretty life-threatening circumstances just a few weeks ago. We are ha...

This is one our little clients who was facing some pretty life-threatening circumstances just a few weeks ago. We are happy to say we got to be a part of her care and love that she is making such good progress! 🩷

We focused on old emotional wounds and lameness! Horses are just like people. When things don’t get resolved emotionally...

We focused on old emotional wounds and lameness! Horses are just like people. When things don’t get resolved emotionally, physical symptoms will almost always follow. We find the blockages, mentally and physically- and counter them with positive feedback. The changes are always astounding!

Pasture harness session with this beauty 🥰

This arena has lots of memories for me 🩷 For a chance at a FREE Body Balancer session…  Comment what year I was the Wise...

This arena has lots of memories for me 🩷

For a chance at a FREE Body Balancer session…

Comment what year I was the Wise County Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Queen 👑🥰

I wish people understood how AMAZING they could feel, mentally, and physically. Quit settling!When I say we can work on ...

I wish people understood how AMAZING they could feel, mentally, and physically. Quit settling!

When I say we can work on anything under the sun and see positive change, I mean that with my whole heart! I have never found any therapy or modality like the L.I.F.E. System.
You may not understand how it works, but you also don’t know how God works every other miracle. We don’t have to understand things for them to be a good thing. Use the tools that God has given you!

Animal owners: I don’t know if y’all noticed… but is expensive to live in 2024. 🙃 It’s even worse if you have to spend t...

Animal owners: I don’t know if y’all noticed… but is expensive to live in 2024. 🙃 It’s even worse if you have to spend thousands searching for answers and possibly still not restore your best friend’s health.
Let’s find the source of the issue AND give your animal painless, instant relief.

Here are just a few things I have seen a positive turn-around on using LIFE Biofeedback:

• Colic relief ‼️ in multiple horses and donkeys, usually within 30 min to an hour. I’m talking biting sides, no gut sounds bilaterally, respiration rate up ⏭️ Totally back to normal with no lapse in status 😱 unheard of!!
• Assistance with foundering donkeys. They go from only wanting to lay down because they hurt so bad to fully mobile within a few hours. 🕠
• Changing a 4/5 lameness to a 1/5-no lameness in one session- multiple horses. No injections needed 💰 Barrel racer’s DREAM! Lol
• Reversal of limb paralysis in a dog (before this there were no answers as to what happened or how to fix it- with talk of AMPUTATION if the issue couldn’t be resolved)
• Complete reduction of food aggression (biting/kicking) in a horse 🐴
• Taking a barrel horse (who lived four states away) who couldn’t even be ridden without Clorapromazine due to severe anxiety and leaving him calm, with no drugs needed to ride AND perform.
• Totally eliminating an aural hematoma in our dog
that was said to have needed surgery. Huge relief after one session, totally gone after 2 sessions.
• Alleviating a case of lockjaw in a goat in one session (did treat supplementally with RedCell). She went from not being able to chew to totally functioning within 1.5 days
• Witnessing multiple cases of life-threatened horses go from “not going to make it out of the vet office” to fully functioning after 1-3 sessions (dependent on what ailment was being fought- pneumonia, infected joint, colic, etc.)
• Food intolerances identified in dogs, cats, horses, etc. to eliminate gut and skin issues!
• Supplements tested to check for matches (savings you LOTS in money 💴 not feeding things that the body doesn’t benefit from)
• Dog with cancer had reduced anxiety and was able to live out her days much more comfortably 🩷
• Snake bite identified and counteracted for our little Jack Russell. He was truly dying and then snapped back like nothing had ever happened. 🤯

There’s more but those were the ones I could think of. ***most of the above circumstances were performed remotely. You do not have to bring your animal in unless you want to!

I am not aloud to say that I “treat”, “diagnose” or guarantee results BUT I see miracles EVERY single day. So call it what you want.

Don’t be afraid to call in an emergency. I will always try to help ASAP!


I know of an older, sweet mare that we have used for Lessons. She is very easy-going and is more than happy to go nice and slow. She is beginner safe. She’s a big, stout black horse who has the prison brands. She was used at the Huntsville prison many years ago!

She does have limited eyesight on one side and has been off for about the last year but she’s the type that you could probably go ahead and swing a leg over her and she won’t miss a beat.

If you are looking for one, that doesn’t have any frills, she’s your girl!

Good tips!

Good tips!


Being a farrier is no easy job and, as horsemen and women, we depend on them to keep our animals going.

Have you ever thought about things from their perspective??
How many unsafe situations have they had to put themselves in for their profession?
How many clients have they had to muster the words to tell them "no" for their own well being?

Think about how we can help our farriers help our horses better....here are some tips straight from one....

Farrier: Kenny Cates
Photo Credit: Debra Lawrence Dzurovcin

This makes my heart swell with joy! Today, I got to help a horse who’s been struggling with a life threatening illness 💔...

This makes my heart swell with joy! Today, I got to help a horse who’s been struggling with a life threatening illness 💔 If you have been there, you know how hard it is to watch your best friend hurting.
We were traveling from Corpus Christi so I popped my system out and started scanning this horse who was in Decatur.
This was our first session ever, and it was able to identify so many of their issues. Anything it identifies, it begins to work through so I am super hopeful he is going to pull through and walk away better than ever 🥰
When I say the system is amazing, I promise I’m not just trying to advertise for myself. I really mean I watch it do things that it shouldn’t be able to do every single day. God gives us amazing tools!!

If you or your pet has something that can’t be explained, or it’s something nobody knows how to fix, please don’t hesitate to reach out. It is painless and inexpensive with ridiculous results. What can it hurt?!

Please pray for full healing and peace for his owner as she rides through the motions.

Horses provide so many lessons- physically, mentally and spiritually! ✝️🐴💜Today, following our Biofeedback session, our ...

Horses provide so many lessons- physically, mentally and spiritually! ✝️🐴💜

Today, following our Biofeedback session, our focus was to keep up the work we had just done by letting go, relinquishing control, breathing, and working with Spirit rather than against him.

You can see a noticeable difference in how Spirit is able to move. He totally took care of her.

Sometimes, we fear that if we aren’t in control- things will quickly get out of hand.
In reality, when we surrender the control that was never really ours to begin with, we find ourselves at peace and flowing in sync with our Creator.

Who wants to take advantage or the BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend and a ride an amazing, safe horse? Availability for Sa...

Who wants to take advantage or the BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend and a ride an amazing, safe horse?
Availability for Saturday, February 3rd at 10am and 11:30am!
These are private, individualized lessons that cater to total beginners on up. 💕

Who needs some time behind these fuzzy ears? 👋🏼

Who needs some time behind these fuzzy ears? 👋🏼

What I spend much of my time doing when I ride with people 🤣 It’s always picture time! Get ready to ride as the weather ...

What I spend much of my time doing when I ride with people 🤣 It’s always picture time!
Get ready to ride as the weather improves 🥰


60 Minute Private Riding Lessons - $75 (ages 5+)
{Can do 45 minute mini lessons for $45}

60 Minute Relaxation Combo
(Soothing, painless Biofeedback therapy combined with slow & easy, relaxing riding!) - $95 (ages 5+)

30 Min Kiddie Ride - $45 (ages 2+)

90 Minute Sibling or Couple Ride {pricing for 2 riders} - $150
{Can do 45 minute mini lessons for $85)

At this time… Rides will be hosted at Cross Trails, our beautiful family-owned Equine Facility in Alvord!

Some “relaxation combos” may be performed at my “home location” 🏠 right down the road!


County Road 2788
Alvord, TX





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