I'm short on spare time these days but when I can squeeze some in, I've been partnering up with this big red fella. To be honest, it ain't that much fun but it's getting better with each ride. This horse has been in my barn as a boarder for a couple of years but recently had to say goodbye to two pasture mates within six months. He hasn't really been engaging with a rider in a good while so the loss of his favorite companions deeply effected him and he wasn't really snapping out of it. He's been too mean to all the other horses to find solace in them, so we're trying to see if connecting with a rider again can help him find his peace and stability once more.
He's always had a mischievous side but he's been downright squirrelly a couple times since I informed him I was changing the dynamic and climbing aboard. He's not a young horse, a green horse, or a traumatized horse so I suppose many would think I have grounds to take offense at his antics. And while I don't particularly enjoy it, I just go ahead and believe him when he says he's not feeling good about things. Some think that empathy in a case like this leads to spoiling. It would if empathy caused me to stop pursuing a goal, but it simply guides the path a bit. He's not trying to hurt anyone, he just wants back to the things he has found comfort in for a few years and it ain't people. If I believe him when he expresses distress and distrust, I can move forward the right way for both of us.
My point is, so many people are quick to jump to suspicion of their animal and some manipulation it's trying to pull on them. These are prey animals, their only ulterior motive is survival. So yes, Karen, he is trying to get back to the barn...but did you ever stop to ask why he'd rather be there than with you? No horse owes any person their trust and sense of security, those things are earned. We spend so much time trying to get horses to "hook on" or "partner up" or whatever the latest tagline is. Maybe we all ought to shift our focus to being a worthy partner first.