LAWN MOWING TOMORROW, SATURDAY from approx. 7:30AM to 9:30AM!
Dogs are welcome to play during mowing, as long they don't try to "herd" the mower or give other volunteers trouble cleaning up toys and chairs. Safety first!
During mowing and accessing gates, we may ask folks to leash their dogs, or move from one side to the other as long as they are comfortable doing so. The mower generally enters thru the small dog side, into the large dog side that is mowed first; then it moves back to mow the small dog side.
The outside of the park is usually done last. Please share this with anyone you know who goes to the park during week days! Thank you!
Additionally, we have a sign at the entrance to the park that will notify folks a few days ahead when we are mowing, for those folks who are not on facebook!