Lucy's Love Shack Dog Boarding and Grooming

Lucy's Love Shack Dog Boarding and Grooming Dog Boarding

Our services include Dog Boarding, Doggie Daycare, in your home wellness checks, walk your dog while you are out, grooming, bathing, nail trims, pet clothing, pet accessories and CBD Pet Drops.


I'm not sure who all remembers but I used to sell dog clothes and merchandise with Lucy's. I have fought with selling all if it as a discounted rate lot of all of it. I have thousands of dollars worth of dog stuff. I enjoyed it so much that I was scared to let it go so anytime someone was interested, I fell back. I am ready to go on and let it go. It's a wonderful idea for a vendor mall or for doggie themed events. I am willing to let it go for way less than I paid. It makes me so sad that its sitting in storage totes with no pup getting use from it. Text my phone or call me, or shoot a message on here. Its a good side hustle and has the opportunity to make a lot of money. I have sweaters, coats, dresses, t shirts, Christmas and other holiday clothes and accessories. Leashes, collars, toys and so much more. I can't remember the lady's name that wanted to purchase it before, hopefully she will see this and have first choice. This is something I loved to do but I just don't think I am going to ever find time to set it up anymore. I have a number in my head and its about 1/3 of the value. It will probably go fast so if you're interested contact me soon. No holds. First person that meets me will be the one who gets it. Thanks so much!

I took this pic 4 years ago.  I had Bentley and Llama for a little over a month when I took this. I lost Llama a year an...

I took this pic 4 years ago. I had Bentley and Llama for a little over a month when I took this. I lost Llama a year and a day ago. I lost Baby Bentley 4 months ago, and just a few weeks ago lost my Tiger Tails. I have so many regrets. I have been so focused on work that I put my babies and my daughter after work. Llama died in chaos with boarding. Bentley died alone at home while I was at work. Tiger took his last breath after I got home but Don F Ferguson was the one holding him and comforting him because I wasn't home.

I made an announcement on Lucy's Love Shack Dog Boarding and Grooming page but I guess I need to make one here too. I don't want to havexany more regrets. And I'm tired. I have been working 7 days a week for 4 years. No off day since 2020. I have decided that its time for me to take some time and make some memories. I have spent a lot of time working so everyone else could make memories. Its my turn. I am taking some time off and I'm not sure when I will start back but I do know I'm not done working with dogs. Don said it best, Lucy's isn't going anywhere because I am Lucy's. I was sad at first thinking about Lucy's but I can start back anytime. I have had an awful past few years. I need to heal and get over some things and I need time with my loved ones before its too late. Tomorrow isn't promised and I won't be able to live with myself if something ever happened and I didn't see my kid or don again. I know that one day I will look back at my life and I want to say that I lived, not that I worked. Losing tiger brought a lot into perspective for me. Im also going to be stepping back from rescue and fostering a while. I love all of my clients and pups so much and I'll miss yall so much. I want everyone to please give my friends at Moe’s Boarding, Grooming, and Day Care, Furever Love Pet Services , Scruffy To Fluffy Mobile Spa and Pink Poodle Pet Grooming . They are absolutely incredible and will take care of your babies. I would trust them with my babies. If anyone has any questions, please send me a message or call. The past 4 years running Lucy's has been incredible and I wouldn't change it for the world. I have loved every second. But I'm exhausted, my work hasn't been the best recently and I just need to take some time for me. I will always offer drop in visit pup sitting and I will let everyone know when I am going to groom and board again. I love all of my shackers. Thank you for a beautiful 4 years.


I want to add that I have plans to keep doing drop in care, taking care of pets at clients homes and I have a plan for grooming it is just gonna be a few months down the road. I am not sure about boarding. I also have been asked how long of a break am I going to be taking and I am not sure. When Tiger died it put a lot into perspective about the regrets I have now because of what I have been missing since I work so much and I can't imagine the amount of regret I will have later in life if I continue to keep going like I have been. It has been bittersweet. It breaks my heart thinking about all of the dogs that I love and not seeing them but I've got to start putting myself, my daughter, my Partner and my dogs first. Working 7 days a week for 4 years was hard but I still loved every second.



Hi Shackers! This has to be the hardest post I have ever had to make. I have decided that I need to take a break for a while. I have been working so much the past 4 years that I'm missing out on special moments with my own pups and loved ones. Now don't get me wrong, I have adored every second with your babies. I wouldn't change a thing. But when I realized that I have lost moments with my sweet chihuahuas that have passed recently, I don't want to lose time with the others and my sweetheart Don that has shared me with everyone else. I am going to close Lucy's April 1. I am planning on starting up again at some point but I don't have a date scheduled yet. I need some time to rest and make memories of my own. I have loved every second of keeping your babies while you have made memories. Thank you so much for all of the love and all of the precious moments that you have shared with me. Yall were my dream that came true and I adore each and every one of you. I want to recommend Moe’s Boarding, Grooming, and Day Care Summer is absolutely incredible and treats all babies like her own. If you have a poodle or doodle, Pink Poodle Pet Grooming is absolutely fabulous with grooms. Scruffy To Fluffy Mobile Spa is definitely the most incredible business in Calhoun County. Stephanie does the most beautiful grooms I've ever seen. The past 4 years has been incredible and I want to thank all of you for being so great to me. I hope that one day soon I will see all of you again. I love you all dearly and you and your pups will always have a place in my heart.

Love you all,

Jodi Taylor


HELP NEEDED PLEASE!! FOSTER NEEDED ASAP! I get messages regularly about people wanting to help dogs and make a difference in the world. Here's your chance! I need a couple people with big hearts to message me about a few precious babies that need a couch to chill on for a while. Small and smaller medium size dogs. All are so good natured, good with kids and other dogs, not destructive, crate trained, potty trained, all the good boy and good girl stuff! Need fosters immediately. I will send all info if you can help!!

Hi Shackers,  this is my precious angel, Tiger. Tiger suddenly and unexpectedly crossed to the Rainbow Bridge last night...

Hi Shackers, this is my precious angel, Tiger. Tiger suddenly and unexpectedly crossed to the Rainbow Bridge last night while Don held him and I was standing by. Tiger entered my like December 2019. He was the most beautiful Chihuahua I've ever laid eyes on. I think that mostly everyone knows that I have adopted several seniors and have adopted adults that are now seniors. I had several vets give me all different ages they believed he was but no one really knew. His face tricked people because the white on his face was the natural color, not from age and that white hid any white from age. Tiger was my right hand man. Literally. He had to sit, sleep and do any kind of resting on my right side. Last night, Finn slept there. Tiger was the very first dog I adopted from a rescue, Little Star Chihuahua Rescue . My love for tiger turned into me being able to save a lot of lives, mostly Chihuahuas that I was able to take to Little Star. Which then opened up my world to rescue. I may have done the driving and fostering but it was because of him and the cutest photo on Little Stars page of him lying on a bed that i fell in love with hi. Such a huge accomplishment for such a tiny 7 pound guy. Tiger had been coughing but was still continuing to act completely normal. Running, eating, going up and down stairs. Don checked on him when he got home and when I was on the way he let me know that we had to get him to the vet immediately. But there was no way we could have ever made it an hour away to the emergency vet. Yesterday morning he ate a full breakfast, had snacks, bullied Timothy a bit. When we got home he was almost gone. I have lost 3 of my babies since last March. I lost 2 in 2021. It seems to come in waves with my old guys. Please have patience with me answering calls and messages. This has completely devastated me and I'm sure that it is going to affect everything around me. If you will please send some prayers and good vibes my way. Special thanks to Trinity Pat Hibbard and Don F Ferguson . I love you two more than anything. Thank you.


Hey shackers! My phone has boogered up, per my norm lol! If you need to contact please do so on here. Thanks!


Charlie Update! I know it's been too long since i updated but i haven't had any news. Unfortunately, she is still at Dr. Berrys. They are having a difficult time with her sugar. It is staying between 500-700. But for 3 days in a row this week, it was below 100 and they didnt give her insulin those days.Please pray for Charlie Girl. Im ready to bust her out of lockup. Hopefully Monday.

Thanks to yalls donations i was able to pay a large chunk of her bill. I am so grateful for yalls generosity. Thank you. Im sure that a balance will be owed when she leaves. If anyone else would like to donate towards her care i will post information below. We are able to help dogs like Charlie so she can have a better quality of life and grow old and know what its like to be loved.

PAYPAL [email protected]
CASH APP $JodiMTaylor

Call clinic directly 2564476318
They are an extremely busy small clinic. Sometimes the phone will be busy a while or they may have to put you on hold for a bit.

Anyone that would like to mail a check to me or to the vet message me and i will send address.

Thank you! Im sending hugs to everyone!

Update! Billie Hardwick Ward saves the day! AGAIN!!Help! Transport from Anniston to Gadsden for a little girl and her 4 ...

Update! Billie Hardwick Ward saves the day! AGAIN!!

Help! Transport from Anniston to Gadsden for a little girl and her 4 tiny roadies. They need an uber Sunday February 18 and must arrive in Gadsden by 11 am. Their transport gets them at 11:30 am tomorrow. If anyone can help please message me.


As it turns out, even science agrees that dogs make better bed partners for women than men.

Charlie girl update! Hey everyone! I took Charlie to the vet today and it didn't go as planned but we will get through i...

Charlie girl update! Hey everyone! I took Charlie to the vet today and it didn't go as planned but we will get through it. Charlie had an untreated ulcer in her eye that caused her eye to die. The family that had her before I got her left her diabetes untreated for God knows how long so this doesn't surprise me. But where the issue lies is that Charlie has a significant heart murmur. This was not something that I was told. So I'm not sure if I want told or if they missed it. Either way is OK. I will fight to help her. Also, her sugar was OVER 700. So that means the directions I was given to help aren't correct. Charlie had to stay at dr berry's for couple days. They have to get her sugar under control. Because of her heart, she will not be able to have surgery. Breaks my heart. How much can a little dog take? She was in good spirits and kissing me at the clinic. I will call on Monday to see what I need to do.

I would like to thank everyone who donated. Yall are amazing. I paid everything on her account not knowing what it would be but I knew that the price will be steep. If you can, please consider donating to help Charlie. She's angel and doesn't deserve what life handed to her.

Peaches said "Laissez les bons temps rouler"!

Peaches said "Laissez les bons temps rouler"!

Donations Needed:Emergency!This is Charlie. She is my special needs foster. Charlie is 8 years old and was asked to be E...

Donations Needed:Emergency!

This is Charlie. She is my special needs foster. Charlie is 8 years old and was asked to be Euthanized by her family because she was diagnosed with Diabetes. She is also vision impared. A vet clinic that I work with contacted Me and asked if I would come and get her to keep her from being euthanized. The clinic was in hopes that I could keep her but because of the number of personal dogs I have it isn't possible. Also she would do much better in a quiet, low activity home. I am trying to do what they wanted and to find a home versus send her to a rescue. I am finding that to be difficult.

Just recently, her eyes became more cloudy than normal. The past few days it has become swollen and there is a major difference in appearance. Charlie needs to go to the vet the next few days. I need donations in order to take her. Charlie is so precious. She's so sweet, she just hangs on her bed and wants to be a lazy little lady.

If you can please, find it in your heart to help Charlie, I will list ways to donate below. Please help me help her and get treatment for her eyes so she won't be in pain and help get her better so I can start looking for a perfect home or Sanctuary for her. Charlie has it pretty good now but the humans that she loved gave up on her.

Can you help me show her a little love so she doesn't think that all humans give up?

PayPal [email protected]

Cash App $JodiMTaylor060279


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can't help these angels without help from the community.

Georgia Marie was the first to try out the mardi gras photos with. She looked so precious when I first got her fro under...

Georgia Marie was the first to try out the mardi gras photos with. She looked so precious when I first got her fro under control. By the time I got her to the photo area she had done her hair the Georgia way.

Georgia is my newest baby. A few are very familiar with her. If you aren't, she's my special baby. She may be a tad on the neurotic side. But, I love her more than anything. I think we were destined to ne together. We are the only ones that can deal with each other! We can communicate with each other like you wouldn't believe. And if I talk to her, she runs to me, I have to get on her level and she puts her nose against my lips so she can look me in the eyes. I've never seen anything like it!

I know that Valentine's Day is the norm for dog groom photos and accessories.  If you know me well though, this will mak...

I know that Valentine's Day is the norm for dog groom photos and accessories. If you know me well though, this will make sense. I went with Mardi Gras accessories and photo area. I got some Valentine's things and did several pics with pink and red but I am having so much fun with this stuff! If you celebrate carnival season and would like one of these bandanas, let me know. I have several and can let a couple of then go. They don't fit my Littles, but Georgia and Evie are rocking them!

Happy Birthday Boomer!! Boomer turned 9 yesterday and since he is boarding with us we threw him a birthday party! Everyo...

Happy Birthday Boomer!! Boomer turned 9 yesterday and since he is boarding with us we threw him a birthday party! Everyone got a pup cup (but no cup so pup plate?) And a few treats. We love boomer so much. No matter how many dog beds I have, boomers place is in the dog toy box. He has done it since day one. And that is where he enjoyed his birthday treat. And everyone else was happy it was his birthday too!

And yes, that is Findlay stealing off everyone else's plate. He is guilty of sneaking bites off my plates all the time.

SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE!! Hey Shackers! I haven't done anything with all Lucy's Doggie Duds in a while.  I pulled everythi...


Hey Shackers! I haven't done anything with all Lucy's Doggie Duds in a while. I pulled everything out a few days ago to dress up two Shackers, Ziggy and Luna, and I realized how many adorable items I have, some have never even been seen by anyone! I am going to start posting some things and everything is going to be marked way down! If you want to get your pup any shirts, sweaters, dresses, jackets, pajamas or accessories now is the time! Also I am going to be letting all the Christmas items (clothing, collars, toys) go for the lowest I can go, most of it for less than $5 and even down to $1! Let me know if you're looking for anything in particular. I can send pics of what I have available and anyone is welcome to come look and try things on your pup!

Fosters!! I got new fosters a few days ago. Daisy and Biscuit are the Dachshunds and Dahlia is the doodle.  They all hav...

Fosters!! I got new fosters a few days ago. Daisy and Biscuit are the Dachshunds and Dahlia is the doodle. They all have rescue commitments! Thank God for that since most rescues are over-full. The weens have had a blessed life. Their human had to go to a nursing home. I was so worried about how they would do since their world was turned upside down but they have adjusted so well. They are playful, fun and the sweetest little nuggets. As always, thank you to my beautiful friends Susan Moon and Janet Sailor Tobin with Long Dogs and Friends Rescue for helping so many weens and for giving them a spot so I could go scoop them up. Dahlias story is actually a little heartbreaking. She has been a stray for God knows how long. She was scared to death. But thanks to an amazing human that by some miracle caught her, she made her way to me thanks to Billie Hardwick Ward . I have gotten several Doods placed with the help of Melisa Rollins who worked her magic, and Dahlia will be going to Florida All Retriever Rescue (FARR) & Friends . She has made HUGE IMPROVEMENTS. She went from not even walking, I had to carry her in my house, and staying in a crate not moving, to walking around my house, going outside and she has made her way into my room and curled up on a dog bed with the others. She is skinny but eating well and being affectionate and she is so sweet.

Please pray for these 3 as they make their way to their forever family!

Unfortunately this is now going to be the norm thanks to the Doodle Phenomenon. Because of the greed of Backyard Breeders and because people are getting them because they are trying to keep up with the Joneses, and because people are misinformed and they are not researching dog breeds to find out what will fit in their family, what kind of grooming and care certain dogs require, this is going to be more and more of a problem. These dogs don't deserve this. Being abandoned because humans are so selfish and use these poor animals to make a buck. I never thought I would see the day that people would be selling mixed breed dogs for thousands of dollars. Now don't get me wrong. I adore doods. And there are some awesome dog parents that take extremely good care of theirs. But the majority do not. Thanks for letting me get on my soapbox for a minute! It just breaks my heart seeing all these angels starving, sick and struggling living on the streets. And humans are to blame.

Look at what came to get a groom today! They were angels!

Look at what came to get a groom today! They were angels!


Happy New Year everyone! I have a couple grooming appointments available this week. Let me know if I can get you on the schedule!


Anniston, AL





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