My cold winter morning mood.
How did everyone fair in the winter storm of 2025? We just got a good layer of ice on everything that melted in the morning sun!☀️
“You feed her how much??” She’s a big bitch! Gotta feed her like one!😂
#kunekune #biggirl #chunky #registered #reel #funny #jokes #kune #pig #swine #feedmeseymour #akkps #farm #homestead #farmlife #homesteadlife #farmpigs #funnyreel #akkpsbreeder #animal #cute #animalbreeder
Not much better than sitting with a pig🥰
#kunekune #mae #reel #registered #pig #cuddle #cute #notmuchbetter #piggy #gilt #kunekuneaddiction #outdoors #farm #homestead #farmlife #pajamas #thoseears #fluffy #cold #love #loveable #kune #kunekunepigsofinstagram #akkps #akkpsregistered #breeder #animalbreeder #animal #cuteanimal #kunekunepork
Hey! Go talk about your own pigs😂
#kunekune #bigpets #pets #akkpsregistered #akkps #kune #pig #pigpets #love #lovethem #farm #farmlife #grainburners #mypigsarefat #ilovemypigs #funny #fun #jokes #funnyreel #amusing #laugh #laughatmyjokes #jokes #cuteanimals
I know I’m not alone. Happens to the best of us👀😂
#loosepig #funny #kunekunepig