All Eleven Milton fosters went to their originál foster mamas, and now the new fluffies get the big room. How cute are these babies!
Almost ready to go home with you
St Francis Society Animal Rescue
Morning therapy for my soul. And for Gepetto :) . I used baby scalp brush to get some of the fungal gunk out of his/her fur and feet. I think she is starting to feel better!
Meanwhile I have a few kittens that need to move out of my house so that they don't get reinfected. Easy babies that just need a place until they get fixed! If you can spare a little room please let me know or apply to foster at
Fun Friday with Josh and Jessie
#adopt @stfrancisrescuetampa
That beautiful day in the life of every bottle feeder: when they all eat from a bowl! If you can imagine - I fed 4 lbs of formula to these guys over the last month, tiny bottle by tiny bottle 5-6 times a day.
Time for a glass of wine! Today was one busy day.
Isn't this fabric beautiful? Order the most stylish cuddle sling around at, or message me :)
Morning Shenanigans @stfrancisrescue