Flowers 7 weeks
Arabelle and her babies the Flowers Litter!
Flowers 6 weeks old
Everybody is moving so much now it is so hard to get pictures! 🤪
“Flowers” litter 4 weeks!!!
Halfway there! Can’t believe our babies are already 4 weeks old! They are so stink n cute at this stage.
3 black tri females left out of Flowers Litter
Update: Daisy is now SOLD!
I have been getting tons of questions about our 3 little girls that are left. I know they are quite similar so I thought I would share a video showing their differences right now. Daisy is smallest of the 3 she has a full collar, Violet is the largest of the 3 and has a full collar, and Ivy is right in the middle and has half collar. Sizes might change over the next several weeks but that is how they stack up right now. I imagine they will all three be very close in size when it is time for them to go to their new homes.
“Flowers” Litter 3 weeks
Our Flowers Litter now 3 weeks old, and have become escape artists!
Flowers Litter 2 Weeks
Our Flowers litter is 2 weeks today! Their little eyes are starting to open. Please excuse my Minnie Mouse voice lol
Took this quick video today of these sweet little puppies! Ignore my annoying voice lol. 🤣
Twix and Austin
Twix is playing with Austin. Twix is such a sweetheart!
I am getting a lot of questions and inquiries as to why some of our puppies for this litter have tails. The standard for Aussies's is to have a docked tail and dewclaws removed. So that is why we choose to do it per breed standard. However, and starting to gets of lots of request to leave tails and dewclaws. This is a big movemnet we have been seeing in the breed. I am want each new owner to be happy and as long as it is not detrimental to the puppies I am happy to comply. Please do your own reaseach as to whether this is a good decision for you and your family. If you do decide you want a puppy with tails and dewclaws left on the whole purchase priice has to be paid with in 24 hours, because for the puppies safety we cannot do the procedures after 36 hours. Like always the prices of the puppies will vary based on coloring, I also get first pick of any of my litters. Please if you have any questions about this or anything with our puppies let me know. 🐶
Puppy Tails
Still not use to these adorable little tails, but they are so cute to watch. Lol
Puppy Play
Puppy playtime! 🐶