🟢Last call for a pup from Jovi x Johnse🟢
Last litter of Standard F1 Golden Doodles before Jovi is retired!! Litter will be born early-mid September 2023 and will be ready for new homes in the beginning of November 2023. Don’t miss out on your chance of an outstanding addition to your family. Every puppy from previous litters of these two have added so much joy to their new homes.
Join the new waitlist for free today!
✅ Both parents AKC registered
✅ Puppies will go to new homes with first set of shots administered and checked by vet.
✅ Tons of references from owners of previous litters
✅ Puppies will have lots of exposure to different animals, people, an environments during their first 8 weeks to prepare for new homes
✅ Puppies will come with all information necessary to be registered through clubs other than AKC at owners discretion.
Pictured below: Dam (Jovi-65lb AKC Golden Retriever) Top Left, Sire (Johnse-75lb Standard Apricot Poodle) Top Right, pups from previous litters on Bottom Row