Shout out to the best farrier there is! Friday we had a pretty nasty pocket of weather where the wind made it impossible to even see for a few kindred due to the rain. This video was the aftermath of it destroying our ceiling after we lost all power. But Jessie got them all done and back on track
This past week has probably been the coldest we have experience besides one other winter up in New Jersey. Unfortunately our tractor did not agree with working in cold weather so we had to improvise and put hay out by hand. We have fed probably close to a ton in hay just in this past week. But the horses were warm and the cows were content. The goats and pigs were up to their eyes balls in hay/shavings with a heat source. We were very fortunate for a close friend and my father to help us even with it being so cold.
We hope everyone enjoyed having a cold Christmas!! Now bring back the warmth 😎🌞