EDIT- so I gave 4 rats to VPK before I went and saw canadas set up
I really hate to have to do this, as i thought this drama was over with. for the sake of the animals in her care and my hard work on rattery, it must be done.
This was 2 yrs ago, so i no longer have pics of her setup and messages as i thought this was all over, i do have pics of everything else. PLEASE READ!
2 yrs ago, i reached out to a rattery named VPK Rattery, we had done a few swaps, and i started to realize HA & MA & rats just DROP dead... that was just the start... after bringing these issues forward to her, she agreed on refunding me and giving me better stock. at this time, i was on the hunt for siamese. i told her what i was looking for, and she directed me to Canada. now i just wanna state that VPK and Canada did swaps ALL THE TIME and still do. so the stock i thought i was getting from VPK's lines, i was really getting from Canadas lines...
now when VPK gave me Canadas info she said and i quote " i would wear a mask if i was you, i've learned the hard way" when i say me and my father were sick for 3 days after our trip to Batavia IL, im not lieing. When me and my father and I walked into Canadas house, we were hit with such an immense ammonia smell it burned your eyes, nose, and made you turn green. there were tanks, black totes, green totes, and cages being held up by pill bottles, and these totes had no screen ventilation. They had drilled holes and closed lids. The rats were skittish, and some even stood around and hunted you down to bite you. she showed me how she made the bedding. Cardboard boxes through a paper shredder. She STILL does this!!
She asked me to help her clean some cages, and i did. I was scared of what i saw. in one cage, she had 30 females and 15 males, i moved some hides, and there were half eaten bodies throughout the cage. i was heartbroken and disgusted. She grabbed the bodies with chip bags and claimed it was normal/common. Fast forward, i gave her 4 specific rats. THE ONLY 4 SHE HAS EVER GOTTEN FROM ME. I, to this day, have videos and pics of those 4!
i get home with my new rats, and i put them in quarantine. The next day, i come into the rat room, and i go up to my girl cage, and there were 4 dead girls. 3 half eaten and 1 just dead. i sent the pics to Canada, and she says, " it normal this is why rats have such big litters." i know it's not normal, so i keep the new stock away from my established stock. Throughout the span of 2 weeks, i have never been so grossed out and in disbelief. in 2 weeks i dealt with, a whole cage eating each other in 1 night, mites, rats attcaking me and my baby brother to the blood, tumors, and ringworm.
I suffered from ringworm for 4 months after culling half my rattery at the time and refreshing. The pain i was left to endure was such trauma. I woke up screaming and crying because of the pain, blood, blisters, and tightness. It traveled everywhere on me and even on my family dog. My dog suffered ringworm on his face for 2 months. i went to 4 clinics, and nothing was working it kept getting worse. i had suffered a major infection from the rats scratches and ringworm at the same time. my dog went through 3 different types of antifungel until his went away.
My rattery is clean, ethical, vet cleared, and RBF neg. i have such amazing, social ratties! Me and my mom run Chicago Exotic Pets & Rattery. I hope this gets around and clears the air for me and my rattery as Canada is running around spreading false accusations and using our experience as hers. please be safe.