I would like to personally thank Kyle Smith for creating our logo light box out of the blue. We were surprised and ecstatic to have one of his creation. If you ever want one as a display at your booth this attracted more people than expected. #geckocommunity #geckolife #highendcrestedgeckos #eyelashgecko #crestie #reptilesofinstagram #Correlophusciliatus #gargolyegeckos #newcaledoniangeckos #rhacodactylus #geckobreeder #chahouagecko #Rhacodactylus https://www.facebook.com/share/15i8D14quB/?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Music at work. Cicadagedon!!
The pit method of breeding leachies has been very successful for us. #lizards #petsofinstagram #lizard #geckolove #reptilelover #pets #reptiles #gecko #geckosofinstagram #leachianusofinstagram #leachianusbreeding #leachianusgeckos #leachianusgecko #leachianusofig #leachianus #leachianusbreeder #leachianusdark #geckos
Aritonnic Grow out enclosure
Available at NARBC Tinley. Grow out enclosures.
We had such a blast in South Carolina and are looking forward to Schaumburg. We want to give a big shout out to Keon Hopkins and Candice who knocked out our Dougie challenge out of the park. Look out for another way to get a discount on what we bring to Schaumburg in a couple of days.
So excited to be in South Carolina attending the ultimate reptile show that we what do something different and special for this weekend. If you come to our booth and “teach me how to Dougie” we will give you a discount on anything on our table.
Thank you to Jazon from Cackalacky Fish Co. for trying to teach Ariel and Maggie the moves…
Aritonnic sorbet line hatched date 7/11/22.
reptileso #lizards #petsofinstagram #lizard #geckolove #reptilelover #geckosofinstagram #geckosofinstagram #leachianusofinstagram #leachianusbreeding #leachianusgeckos #leachianusgecko #leachianusofig #leachianusbreeder #geckos
I wish leachies stay the color as babies. Pure GT Type A