PET PURR-FECTION dog walking & pet sitting services


Wanted: Dog walker/ management position. Looking for an EXPERIENCED dog walker who obviously loves and is good with animals all sizes and temperaments. Must be responsible, eager and self driven , possess great people communication skills, leadership and management skills. Please contact me if Interested or go to my website to fill the application out.
Thank you!


It’s with a heavy heart to say goodbye to Jackson. Jackson was one of those super happy fluffs who loved love to the fullest. Always to greet you with a ‘smile’ his huge curly cue tail wagging, his floppy ears flopping with his uncontrollable excitement and wiggles..... he was rescued and given a wonderful loving home. His human gave him the best - happiest life, and it showed with the care and attentiveness he got. Only the best for this guy. She took him to classes, their place full of awards and ribbons for his stellar performance. He loved to work and aimed to please. His favorite was sniffing out for things.

He sadly passed rather unexpectedly from an unforeseen blood clot the vets couldn’t detect. A day at the vets and sent home to pass away with his favorite human- hopefully he was at ease and peace being home and with his most favorite human. My heart breaks - for his owner and to not see this happy face again. My heart is so heavy. You were such a good fluff Jackson. It was such a pleasure caring for you over the years and on behalf of me and the Pet Purrfection team - we will miss you greatly. 🐶 🙏 ❤️ 🌈


Anyone who’s looking to adopt two sweet kitties let me know. I have done pet sitting for them in the past.... (3 yrs ago) but they were so good and playful.... they are buddies so best they stay together.


Husky needs home ASAP!! Long story but dog has been bounced from homes and this last owner just surrendered her. (Single mom w 3 kids and can’t handle a dog) A few of us tried to help and thought we found someone to take her, this person flaked and no showed .... so at 11pm this sweet pup is in dire needs to find a home ASAP. I don’t even have a ‘home’ so I can’t keep her till she finds a home. Please spread word - if anyone is willing to foster her till she finds a home or is interested.

She goes by the name Oreo. She’s about 1yr old. Up to date on shots but is not spayed. Free to a GOOD home. Being of the husky breed, to know behavior they are high energy and need mental as well as physical exercise. Consistent training. Can not be left outside alone or off leash as they will take off. Due to the fact she keeps getting dumped off she does have some high anxiety when left alone. She does need to be crated if left because she will destroy furniture or try to find ways to escape.... she’s just been through a lot and needs someone with time and patience to work through some of her anxiety issues and time to acclimate.

I will have her with me today but if i can’t find someone willing to temp host her or take her- I will have to take her to a shelter.... please spread word. Contact me if interested.


Heads up with spring here and people planting gardens... please be advised of this 'mulch' that is harmful to animals and do NOT buy!


These little buggers are out- ticks! I happened to see this tiny tick crawling on my ankle after walking through just the yard with a pet! Make sure your beloved four footed fluffs are flea and tick protected!!


New addition to the team- miss Gracie!


National ‘Love your pet day’ that’s a no brainer!!! ❤️ 🐱


Hiking trek with a dog and a cat!!


Hope everyone had a good holiday. Took my kitty and one of my clients dogs/ my buddy Buddah for a good hike Xmas day. Nearly 2 hrs tromping around in the woods, crossing streams, and seeing a couple deer!!

Studies Link Pet Cancers to Lawn Chemicals

Studies Link Pet Cancers to Lawn Chemicals

Studies Link Canine Cancers to Lawn Chemicals Studies found that lawn chemicals travel to neighboring yards and inside homes. Chemicals have been found in the urine of dogs whose owners did not spray their lawns. Study authors state how their findings can be used to further research on human cancers...


Ocoee’s 2nd dog walk with me. Blossom was a great companion- super calm and mellow to be the leader for ocoee to follow behind and alongside 🙂


Found a little abandoned kitty on a road trip to GA over July 4th holiday and took her in for keeps. A little snowshoe. She was a great little hiker and want to keep that up so thought to try her on a dog walk .... success for a full 20 min visit 🙂


Home Needed!!

Poppy is a sweet girl from the streets of Puerto Rico. She was adopted by a woman and her young son and I was contacted to help her with dog walks during the day. Instantly me and my team fell in love with her. So sweet and one that you can tell just loves life! She would be crated in the day as, i guess coming from the streets she's not fully house broken to be left alone. Once out she was alert and ready to trot, just so happy to be free and outside. A very sweet disposition.

I think due to being confined to a crate and not getting ample exercise she just had too much energy. She does need some training or someone who can work with her. She displayed a little possessiveness if eating any rawhide's, and made one snap at the young boy. For this, the mother couldn't chance it and had to send her back to the rescue. It was heartbreaking as she really is a sweet gal, but it seems she would do better with someone that is home more and can give her the exercise she needs. Preferably someone with a good sized fenced in yard to run, someone who is active and can run with her or take her hiking or to the dog park to run. Idealy no young children in the house hold. She seemed fine passing other dogs on walks, never saw any sort of aggression but a wiggly tail and we would stop and she would say hi.

If you can spread word, or know someone who may be interested.. feel free to look into Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation website. Her Origional name was 'Maamii" so thats what she's listed under. She's approx 2 years old according to the vet (3/16 estimated guess) weighs about 30-35lbs to my guess and appears to have had puppies, maybe 2 litters, but since has been spayed to my knowledge.

Thanks for passing it along... I would love to see her find a good forever home.


To my little Lilly kitty. She came into the Animal Hospital I worked at 17 yrs ago with what was called a diaphragmatic hernia, the original owners could afford surgery from the young cat they got from the pound so they had to surrender her. The amazing compassionate vets I worked with did the surgery, and I became her care giver while she recovered with cage rest. Having lost 2 of my cats recently, I got attached to this sweet girl. I would open her cage and she would curl up in my lap- so yes after 2 months or so she came home with me. Through the years she gained confidence and loved the outdoors, being brushed, jumping on the sink counters so she could drink from the tap. She would follow me around the yard and chase me like a dog. When I moved out she stayed behind with my folks and lived a good happy life. My parents taking over the brushing and turning on the tap water. The laps she rotated between. Sweet social petite little thing. Going home the last 2 yrs or so it was sad to see each time her slowing down and starting to get gimpy. More time sleeping and less time doing her favorite activities of being out to bask in the sun, climb the rock walls hunting for critters to chase. I didn’t realize the last I would see her was when I went home in dec for the holidays. She appeared to have had a stroke in the night sat night and sun my family had to say goodbye. So sad I couldn’t be there to be there with my family and give little lilly a few comforting strokes on her head- the way she would push her head into your hand more and half close her eyes in pure enjoyment. So hard to say goodbye to animals who find a place in your heart but the joy they bring is so well worth it. To one of the most compassionate genuine caring man I know that I had the pleasure of working under- Dr Turco , for always being there for all of our animals and the care given, and letting them go peacefully. Thankyou ❤️


A beautiful day hiking a new area with four legged friends. Came across a beautiful rose garden with roses in total bloom.... in oct!!!


Got to take Brannaugh and Harrison for a little hike/field trip today. Hot temps called for a dip in the stream.....


to last Friday, my parents and sister came to visit and wanted to join me on dog walks.... so they got to meet some of the crew :)


Happy Easter!!! This is one of my clients, Tulip! She sent this to me this morning and too cute not to share!! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! 🐰💐🐥


Currently Looking for Dog Loving People to join our team ASAP!!

If interested or know someone please share and send resume to: [email protected]

Thank you!

Goodbye to my owner

If you have a quiet moment, take that moment to read this. This is absolutely touching and beautifully written, but you wont have a dry eye reading it. I'm still sobbing and have the biggest lump in my throat. Pets are amazing... so loyal. Truly wonderful blessings. My heart goes out to this dog, his person, and to the pets i've lost or that i've loved like my own and who've passed.

Yesterday was a weird day. I couldn’t get myself out of bed. The guy I live with lifted me up. I tried to get my legs under me, but they wouldn’t cooperate. He said, ‘Don’t worry, I gotcha buddy,’ carried me downstairs, and out the front door. That was so nice of him. I needed to p*e so badly, I jus…


My fur hood matches this guys ensemble. He's got me beat on the massive hanging drool off his tongue!! Haha


Welcoming two new fluffs to the pack! Sherlock and Bentley :)


Hope everyone had a special holiday. I had this cute little nugget with me for the past week. Such a delight.


It's been a few weeks. Probably because every time I try, I get too sad. This is Pita. A family kitty my parents had to say goodbye to. I wasn't able to make it back home to say goodbye and that was tough. As a tribute, and her story:

This emerald eyed torti came into the animal hospital I worked at, 17 yrs ago. It was fall of 99' and someone found a kitten no more than 2-3 days old- umbilical chord still attached, found in a puddle, she was wet, in hypothermic shock. She had an upper respiratory infection, mouth infection... believed to have been dropped while the mother was transporting. We took her in and I remember Dr Glowitz immediately having me fill a warm bucket to first get her temp up. She was so tiny. Sickly. Dr Turco and Dr Glowitz didn't think she would make it 24hrs but they did all they could to help stabilize her. They then needed someone to be her care giver- tube feedings and medications every 2 hrs around the clock. I took this job on. She made it 12 hrs, then 24hrs, 72hrs... she was in the clear. She was my focus and the vets I worked for were awesome with their attentiveness in checking her status, and letting me stop every 2 hrs to tend to her needs. When I took her home i told mom, and we agreed to just keep this from dad at first.

After about a week, I had her in a box on the kitchen floor and was warming up her milk. She was hungry and squeaking up a storm! The vocals on such a tiny thing! My dad was getting up for work and came shuffling out ... p*ered in the box and was like..."what is that?" She was only a tad over a week old but still looked like a rat than a kitten. Her name soon fell to become 'Pita' short for 'Pitiful' because she just looked so sickly lol. I was told we weren't keeping her, only till she was old enough to find a home at 7/8 weeks.

As days passed and she got healthier and stronger, my mom helped with some of the night feedings. Her eyes opened, tube feedings became bottle feedings. Dad would get home from work and ask if it was time for her bottle and she would climb and sit on his shoulder while he fed her.

Well she wasn't going anywhere...she became an addition to the family. She was only about 2 months old when I left for 10 months of traveling and Pita really bonded to my mom while I was gone. When it came time for me to move out of home, Pita stayed. She was my moms buddy and companion. Pita helped my mom through an Achilles surgery, a rough 9 months of chemo... they know when we r sick and lay close. She kept dad company while he worked on bible classes/exhorts or watching tv.

It's amazing how a four legged creature can become such an important part of your life. I know for my parents they have had more years with her, but none the less i feel the loss. With onsets of kidney failure developing, then diabetes, bad arthritis.... the time had come to stop her pain and suffering. A selfless thing to have to come to... when all is exhausted in trying to keep an animal from being in pain... to Pita, who didn't stand a chance, but ended up in her forever home for nearly 17yrs. I can't believe how the years have flown. I still don't know if I've fully come to accept it, until I go back home to visit and not see her on her favorite spots. Not hearing her little chirps.

To Dr Turco for his big heart, and for being an amazing vet. The years as her vet and even in the end offered to help and say goodbye. I can't thank him enough for helping my parents through a difficult time. He was there from day one -till her last. This man means much to me. From 5 yrs old having seen me grow up from vet visits with my first kitty and when old enough offered me a job. I worked 7 years at Turco Animal Hospital as a tech. He taught me so much and was the best vet to work for. He was so selfless, huge heart and always going above and beyond for the care and attentiveness of pets and his clients. I remember countless cases where he would stay after hours or come in before hours and his head would be in a book consulting with Dr Glowitz if there was an issue going on with an animal and they were trying to figure it out. You don't see much of that these days. This man, Dr Turco has such a big heart, selfless, and genuine. He found his calling and I am grateful for working under him and all he's done for me, and my pets through all the years. Thanku Dr Turco. Forever and always.


Beautiful weekend, was pet sitting for these crazy outdoor enthusiasts "Luna" and "Tic" and took them hiking. Got some good fresh air and enjoyed the remnants of fall colors and warm sunshine ☀️🐶❤️🍁🍂🌿


This came to me from a client- one of their friends dog is missing and they are devastated. Please help to spread word and get it out there... if anyone has seen this dog roaming...


Tippy is getting into the Fall spirit with wanting to help with pumpkin carving 🎃🐶😁🍂🍁


"But I thought that was my shoe toy?! I sorry 😔,please forgive me 🙏🏼, I wuff you ❤️😁? " -Buddha

Welp.... Can't be mad at this sorrowful little face for too long.... the eyes got me.


Snip it of my happy Monday despite the rain. These guys always make rainy days a bit more cheery 😊🐶❤️☔️


Arlington, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm


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