Your puppy will have its first set of shots and its first vet visit before they go home. They are still required to have more vaccines! Please Do not allow your puppy to walk in populated dog areas or interact with unfamiliar animals. It is also extremely wise to keep your puppy away from unknow people and children at this time. If a child or someone is sick its best to keep your puppy away. Dog parks are not recommended for socializing your puppy for this reason. We also recommend not taking your puppy into stores. If you do decide to take your puppy shopping we recommend putting them in a puppy carrier or holding them. Your puppy can play with healthy puppies and adult dogs that have been vaccinated and dewormed and are not sick. Also it is required that you make a vet appointment within two weeks of getting your puppy!
Our advice until your puppy has received all its puppy vaccines: TREAT YOUR PUPPY LIKE A NEWBORN BABY. Don't let other animals and sick people in your puppy's face. While your puppy is out of its crate keep eyes on it! Puppies will chew on everything and can easily get choked or consume something that is fatal. Please watch small children when they are with your puppy. If your puppy is dropped or hit it can be fatal. Also during the first week your puppy is going to bond with you so it's important to be present as much as possible with them!