One of our Ponderosa pups will be on the LCA stud dog list shortly ❤️. He’s out of Dexter and Lindy and has passed all of his health certifications including good hips. His sister passed with excellent hips.
Tracey Morrow has titled him in a few venues and he has a very sweet temperament. He is willing to chill or be on the move. He loves to hike and swim, but playing with toys is not on his radar. He has excelled in obedience and scent work. He is appropriate with other dogs and animals and loves people, but is not demanding.
He has a lovely head and mane, deep chest and gorgeous long straight silky coat. He is heavy b***d and well proportioned. His dark eyes and expressive face can pe*****te your soul.
Very excited for this boy❤️. Thanks Tracey for being an awesome owner!