Olivet Discourse 🕊️
“Peace puts forth her olive everywhere.”
- William Shakespeare
The Olivet Discourse is a sermon that Jesus preached from the Mount of Olives, just east of Jerusalem, three days before His crucifixion. The sermon was an intimate conversation between Jesus and His disciples, and it covered topics such as the signs of the end times, the destruction of the temple, and the coming of the Son of Man. The Bible recounts the Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24:1-26:2, Mark 13:1-37, and Luke 21:5-36.
In the late afternoon, when the sun’s warmth wanes, the delicate flower that unfurled its petals in the morning, adorned with dew, reveals its ephemeral beauty to the world. Yet, even as the day transitions into evening, it quietly fades, surrendering to the cooling embrace of the night. Within three days, its fragile petals, once vibrant and dew-kissed, shall be tenderly surrendered to the wind’s embrace, carried away like whispered secrets on the evening breeze.
When only three days remain to intertwine our lives with those we’ve journeyed alongside, what sacred truths would we cup in our hands, like fragile treasures, to pass on? What musings on our mind would we wish to leave behind? Within the chambers of our heart, what tender symphonies would our love compose? Within the breath of our very souls, what tender notes of gratitude, echoes of regret, or whispers of forgiveness would resound? Those who have beheld the closing days and fleeting moments of another’s life grasp the timeless echo that resonates through eternity.
In this final of five discourses that Jesus gave he frames it on the Mount of Olives a place of spiritual significance. A place of retreat, awareness, and contemplation. Just as with the disciples of old, we too must navigate a world filled with distractions, ideologies, and false teachings. Jesus warns us not to be deceived by false messiahs or misleading signs. We must stay awake and cleanse our own temples of any corruption, love our God with our entire being and our neighbors as ourselves. Most of all we must fill our lamps, share our talents, and bear good fruit.
Jesus teaches us to endure and persevere through our tribulations, wars, and natural disasters. He speaks of a time of persecution and hatred. We recognize our life’s journey isn’t always smooth as we navigate our own personal trials, social challenges, and even rejection at times. Jesus encourages us to endure faithfully, trusting that God’s purpose is continuing to unfold. In the meantime, we continue to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, and help the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, and the exploited. Through our perseverance we become witness to the transformative power of love and grace.
Amidst the warnings, Jesus offers hope. We come to understand that Christ presence permeates every moment. How Christ’s return perhaps isn’t contained so much in time and space but rather the awakening of Christ consciousness within each of our souls. A mystical encounter in which we come face to face with the divine presence when we come to the realization of our inherent divinity. We come to anticipate the fullness of God’s reign, where tears are wiped away, and things are made new. Our contemplative practices connect us to this eternal reality.
In the quiet spaces of our souls, where contemplation meets hope, we find the eternal flame burning. It whispers divinity within, urging us to endure, to serve, and to bear good fruit. As we navigate life’s distractions and tribulations, let us remember we are both the seeker and the sought, the witness and the witnessed.
Peace be with you!
🤟 Royce