Rooster looking very handsome in the afternoon sunlight Monday. ☀️
He's progressing nicely, figuring out how to better use his body and be relaxed.
Lulu starting off the new year pretty well🌟
With this mare only being under saddle for roughly 6 months, can't say how excited I am about her. She's got the willingness with the sass. She makes us work for it but once she figures it out she looks so lovely!!
Hoshi was such a good sport a couple days before Christmas! Letting the barn kitty "Hobo" go for a pony ride.
Great brain on this little girl for sure!
I had the opportunity a couple weeks ago to ride Rooster in a clinic with Beth Anderson Ness and it was so phenomenal!!
It was incredible to feel how much this boy can, in a sense, flatten his body and move forward so much without being tight. Working on different ways to utilize my body to help him move more free and fluid. He's a great horse and has so much potential.
Crazy to think this boy has only been off the track just shy of a year. And truly 8 months under saddle into his new career!
After working through trotting over the small fences with Rooster, I felt as though he was really balanced and was waiting for the fence to come to us. So for fun before his mom's lesson we popped over this small cross rail a few times. He seems to like it.
Good boy Rooster!
Kizzy, I honestly can't believe how well she has been progressing!
This is her, roughly 3 months after her first canter and true trot under saddle. I cannot say enough good things about her mind and how she's progressed with being under saddle!
This new barn has brought out the calm in all the horses which has truly helped them all progress in an amazing way.
She is so light in the bridle, listens very well to voice cues/leg cues and is just a pleaser.
She tries so hard and keeps giving answers but doesn't just throw them out there. She waits but is always trying to give the right answers, never in a bad way.
I can't wait to get her some exposure this winter and get her our to some local dressage shows!
4th bareback ride and in a hackamore!
Enjoying good weather, good music and a good horse!