Here are some common health issues in bearded dragons:
1. *Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)*: Caused by lack of calcium, vitamin D3, UVB lighting or parasitism .
2. *Impaction*: Blockage of the digestive tract due to eating substrate, large foods, or constipation.
3. *Respiratory infections*: Often caused by poor hygiene, inadequate ventilation, or stress. Can also be secondary to parasitism
4. *Dehydration*: Inadequate water intake or improper humidity levels.
5. *Parasites*: Internal (e.g., pinworms) or external (e.g., mites).
6. *Dysecdysis*: Difficulty shedding skin, often due to inadequate humidity or nutrition.
7. *Hypovitaminosis A*: Deficiency in vitamin A, leading to swollen eyes, lethargy, and skin problems.
8. *Stress*: Caused by changes in environment, handling, or inadequate care.
If you suspect any health issues with your bearded dragon, consult a veterinarian experienced in reptile care.
We recommend a checkup and f***l analysis every 6 months to address issues early. 334-826-9377