This video was played yesterday at the Angel Award presentation. We made it a while back for one of our adoption events. The whole room was in tears. Please help shelters and rescues to be able to help the dogs who need them. To assist MAMAS in helping the dogs in need here, please donate here:
[email protected]
This video was played at the Angel Awards presentation yesterday. We made it a while back for an adoption event we had. The whole room was in tears. Support your shelters and rescues and the dogs who need help there. THEY NEED YOU!!!
To donate to MAMAS, and the dogs we're trying to help....
[email protected]
Our Halloween trip would not have happened without the help of the Bamberg County Office On Aging loaning us their bus. The day was topped off by stopping by there for more yummy treats. Thank you BCOOA!!!
Blake trying to go in for the sneak steal.
Look how happy these dogs were today, to be able to get outside without it pouring rain!
So Monday every dog in the shelter got a slim Jim’s.
Just to clarify - MAMAS is not an open admission shelter anymore. Stray dogs should typically go through our Animal Control Officer, Ginny Mitchell. IF the dog is adoptable and MAMAS has room dogs can be brought directly to the shelter, We will take as many of the dogs brought in by Bamberg Animal Control as we can, but we do not have unlimited space or staff.
Bamberg County - STOP getting dogs if you cannot keep them from breeding. STOP getting dogs if you cannot keep them confined on your property. STOP getting dogs if you cannot take proper care of them. This means not only food and water, but TIME AND ATTENTION AND MEDICAL CARE. Remember - they did not ask to be born. That is ALL ON YOU/US. Just because YOU let them down does not make them deserve to live their lives on a heavy chain outside, filthy, flea infested, matted, not eating properly and in the heat or the cold. It does not mean they deserve to roam and make puppies over and over again, contributing to the problem we are TRYING to fight.
NEWSFLASH - Rescues cannot keep up anymore. We're tired. Our hearts are broken over and over again. Our dogs are not moving nearly as fast as in the past. To say adoptions are slow is an understatement. When I have to tell our ACO I can't take one of the dogs she brings in, I am crushed. Some are not adoptable. Some just because we are full. She is trying to find other rescue options for those dogs other than MAMAS because we just can't absorb all of them unless she - Ginny, the ACO - is going to go to managed intake, which would mean that when MAMAS and the ACO kennels are full, Ginny (ACO) cannot bring in anything. Neither Ginny nor our Board agree with this. Why? Because it leaves stray dogs out there continuing the breeding cycle. It leaves them out there starving, sick and getting injured or creating havoc sometimes. We currently have THREE dogs recovering from leg surgeries at the shelter. Dogs deserve better and managed intake is no
Brandys video
Hey Everybody - we promised you a special surprise on workday and here it is!!! Who knew we had such talent at MAMAS Shelter!!!