Going to be cutting the deadline for this tank short. Final bids need to be placed by Friday, February 24th, 5pm. I held such a long bidding time to prove tank sustainability. It been holding steady for nearly a month.
I need to end this bid early for no other reason than it’s been long enough and I have other obligations I need to use my attention for.
Last bid sits at $150 for everything including livestock. See previous posts for more details on this setup.
Nano aquarium maintenance is incredibly important because water parameters fluctuate more. Luckily, they're quick and easy!
The bid for this tank is currently at $150!
Place your bid in the comments or through private message.
Materials are listed below:
6”x 6” Glass cube
Light with wood base
Fluval Bio-Stratum Substrate
Dragon Stone
Staurogyne Repens
Cryptocoryne Parva Mini
Anubias Nana Petite
Anubias Nana Mini
Dwarf Hairgrass
Dwarf Water Lettuce
Willow Moss
Pincushion Moss
Piece Lily
6 Chili Rasboras
5 Blue/Red Neocaridina Rili morphs
1 Assassin Snail
Day: 6
This will be up for auction when it’s complete!
Still waiting on more Rasboras, Assassin snail, and light.
I almost wanna keep this for myself!
Day 4
It’s coming along! more Rasboras are on the way and might add some red rilis.
I’ll be excited to put this aquarium up for bids and I’ll be willing to deliver within the Memphis area to make sure it gets from me to you in perfect condition!
Fluval 307 Canister Filter $100
*SOLD* $100 Barely used and in fantastic condition. Missing 1 suction cup. Selling this piece of equipment for a fellow hobbyist. She is in much need of the money.
The best and cutest way to control pest snails!
I cannot stress the importance of having a doctor tank readily available. I highly recommend having an all-in-one like this one.
One of my Gourami has been hiding in my heavily planted tank so I didn’t see his wound until it was advanced. Luckily I could throw together a tank and start medicating immediately.
That’s a big piece…finally done. Will
Look great once everything settles. Can’t wait to see it in the tank it’s going to.
Working on a custom piece. Multiple pieces of wood adhered together. Live plants will be attached.
Got a bunch of small driftwood pieces you don’t know what to do with? I can make something for you!
Black neo fry are so cute!