Taylor Swift in action…
#salmonfavorelles #theerastour #taylorswift #michiganchickens
Because everyone needs a little bit of funny in their life…have you ever seen a chicken eat a noodle? No jokes about chicken noodle soup here folks 😂
Chickens. And our goofy Salmon Faverolles hen, named Taylor Swift, gets a gold star for her photo bombing skills! #salmonfaverolles #michiganchickens #chickenmath #backyardchickens #homestead
Planning my indoor planting schedule up here in snowy Northern Michigan! All new to me varieties this year that I ordered from MIgardener. Check them out for a fun selection of heirloom seeds and prices. Have you started seeds inside yet? What’s first up in your garden? #michigangardening #homestead #seedstarting #springfever #farmstand #sunnysunday #peppers #tomatoes
Spending some time with the ladies today. They seem to be doing well despite the weather! #cozychickens #toocoldforme #chickens #michigander #michiganchick #heritagechickens
I’d like to call this piece “Chickens in the Snow”. If you’re wondering how chickens feel about our current weather, they seem to be doing just fine! We did prepare by wrapping the entire chicken run with clear and thick plastic, and have a heated water bowl for them. The coop is well insulated and draft free, while allowing space at the top for air circulation and ventilation. #cozychickens #polarvortex #heritagechickens #mittenchickens #chickensofinstagram #downonthefarm #homestead #intothewoods #spoiledchickens #springfever #Michigan
Daffodil is definitely the Momma of the flock. She personally takes it upon herself to make sure everyone’s beaks and beards are as clean as a whistle!
Moral support in the nesting box, and working on the coop…we’re so ready for spring! #homestead #chickencoop #michiganchickens #chickensofinstagram #heritagehens #chickenlover #fresheggs #westmichigan #DownOnTheFarm #roadsidestand #springfever
Taylor Swift is doing what she does best! Singing at the top of her lungs! She says “Merry Christmas!” With a thankful heart, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.
Having their Christmas Salad a couple days early :-)