A little cold weather doesn't stop us from rotational grazing. This hose insulation is amazing stuff! When we aren't feeding from an ice cold above-ground tank our water will not freeze in the hose, even down into the single digits.
Finally a video under 5 minutes. Grazing stockpiled forage that hasn't been grazed since June! Supplementing with pumpkins we got for free.
So great to see healthy fungal communities making our beef more healthy for our family AND YOURS!
We're in a drought, but our forgaes wouldn't know it because we have worked hard to create a resilient ecosystem of biology in our soil!
You have to keep your soil covered!
I try hard to keep my videos under 5 minutes, there's just SO much information I want to share with you. This video takes a walk backwards through the forage as it recovers from grazing.
Sorry for the break, we've been busy building fence and other jobs around the farm. This week's episode is about how "weeds" can help us maintain nutrition in our cattle.
We are taking a year off from selling sweet corn to use special plants and cattle to improve our corn patch without the use of synthetic fertilizers. This also gives our pasture some extra rest through the dry summer months.
How can we move the cows every day if we go out of town?
Episode 7:
Modern cattle farmers: It's too much work to move cattle every day!
The truth is, once the cattle learn the drill they move themselves and they move excitedly. My cattle know what good grass is and you can see from this clip that they know precisely when they are where I want them to be because they want to be there as well!
This is our portable water setup for daily rotational grazing.
Getting ready for a cattle move!