If you've trained with us or seen us out and about you've probably seen our dog Treya. She is a 7 year old Dutch Shepherd from Montana Belgian Malinois and Dutch Shepherd Rescue that we got 5 years ago.
She had 4 homes by the time we got her at 2 years old and had a host of issues because of a lack of foundation, serious leash reactivity, and no obedience. As a dog with power, drive and smarts she challenged me to become a better trainer, learn, develop, and understand dogs in a way I never had before. The first couple of years with her was a challenge for both of us as we developed into a team, improved communication, and gave her the tools to work with me instead of against me.
She’s shown me how sensitive and smart she is, how to navigate prey and defensive behaviors in dogs, and how to communicate more effectively with the dog you have. We’ve done so much in the last few years and seeing her grow and develop has been the highlight of my life.
Treya is a dog that could have easily become a serious liability in the wrong circumstances with her reactivity and power that she had when we started. Putting so much training into both of us has led her to become my partner in training, helping so many dogs, and has changed her from a wild reactive mess to my best friend, helper and an amazing family member. When I say I understand reactivity and frustration with clients I mean it! I’ve dealt with so much getting her safe in public and have been able to explore different dog sports, teach her service dog level obedience, and see her become a happy, goofy dog.
She’ll never not want to chase a rabbit, or not be a spicy girl at times but I love her and trust her in many situations now that I never thought we’d achieve!
Happy training and hope to see you out there enjoying your dogs!
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