Copied and pasted from a VET
These are TOXIC
Bravecto, Bravecto Plus, Nexgard, Simparica, Simparica Trio, Credelio, Revolution Plus all contain Isoxazoline which is a neurotoxin! ☠️
It is only supposed to be toxic to the parasites however, data is showing the toxicity is NOT limited to parasites and we are seeing many adverse reactions in dogs and cats.
Some adverse reactions that my clients have seen include:
• Aggression
• Personality changes
• Seizures
• Disorientation
• Wobbling or unstable gate
• Sensitivity to touch
• Abnormal vocalizations
• Urinary or f***l incontinence
• Death
I have seen these adverse reactions happen immediately after administration, but I have also worked with cases where the pet parent noticed these reactions days, weeks, or even months later. Sometimes the reactions don’t occur until multiple doses of the medication have been given.