Are the kittens I just found really abandoned or orphaned?
You just found tiny newborn kittens and their mother is nowhere to be seen. Before that rescue instinct kicks in and you scoop them up, take a deep breath, step back and evaluate the situation. The kittens’ best chances for survival are with their mom. Keep in mind that your presence may keep mom cat away, so monitor the nest from a distance.
Mother cats may leave their kittens for several hours at a time. If the kittens are warm and don’t appear sick or in distress, their mom is likely nearby, getting food or hiding from you.
Your immediate role:
Help the mother cat do her job: Provide high-calorie food and fresh water in a nearby location (but not too close to her nest). It’s a myth that cats won’t care for kittens after you’ve touched them; however, if you hover around, she will likely move the kittens. Keep your distance and let her do the hard work of raising her babies.
If the kittens are truly abandoned or appear sick, cold or nonresponsive when you touch them, you'll need a different game plan. The younger the kittens are, the quicker you’ll need to act and the more care they’ll need from experienced caregivers.
Stabilize the kittens: Place the kittens in a warm, safe place with a gentle heat source (but one they can move away from if they grow too warm). Assess their overall health. Don't try to feed them, keep them warm while you contact a legitimate rescue. Time is crucial with neonatal kittens. Never feed cow’s milk or any other formula to kittens! Rescues are equipped to handle all the proper feedings.