Trailer loading trust building
When there’s a trailer problem there’s a leading problem. Fix that and you fix the problem. Now on to fixing the people created problem lol
If you never try, you’ll never know
If your not having fun then you are doing it wrong
Desensitizing never stops
From no control, to very light neck reigning and leg pressure . 😎
Instead of just pushing & pulling until you’re "done", try using release and rhythm to motivate the horse and build willingness.
Slowing her down and slowing her to understand what you’re asking is the correct way. So many have always asked why are you not running them ? Well it’s simple just like us we seem to learn a hell of a lot more doing it slow then rushing it.
"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds"
"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds"
"Don't present things that are too hard to learn.
"Don't present things that are too hard to learn. Don't be arrogant. Allow the horse to learn in his own way. This takes discipline and maybe that will be the hardest thing for you.
When our minds and bodies are in the right place at the same time.
Ideally, the horse will do what l'm asking him to do, because he is ready and willing to do what I ask. How do I know what to ask him? By feeling what he is ready and willing to do at any given moment. When our minds and bodies are in the right place at the same time, our work becomes easy.
Dakota getting ready for cows
"By teaching our horses to respond thoughtfully to pressure instead of reacting out of fear, you're helping them develop emotional resilience and confidence.
What is the difference between “trying to feel” and “creating an environment where feel exists. Patience is key..