EDIT- HE’S HOME- thank you beyond words for sharing and for The Feline Finders - Pet Detective (and Susan) for coming and setting all of this up to lead him back!!!!
And for Brenda, Lexus, Javier, Robin, Amanda, Linda, Susan.. for spending hours out there searching and handing out flyers with us. We can’t thank you enough. He’s SAFE ❤️
****BOLO - Foxcroft- Little Rock****
Boo was just adopted from the event and has only been in his new home less than 24 hours. He’s not ever been outside and he’s probably scared. He’s used to adults and kids. He’s very friendly, but may be skittish and confused right now. We are desperate to find him. He was saved from a shelter and we want him back safely. Please help us. Posters and signs will be in the area soon. 3200 Block of Foxcroft Road!!
PLEASE SHARE!!!! Text (501)831-1679 with sightings