Teach your dog how to do nothing. Teach them how to just watch the world go by. Teach them how to be still. Teach them how to observe but not interact.
We focus so much on teaching our dogs what to do that we sometimes forget to teach them how to just 'be'. And it's so beneficial for so many dogs for so many reasons. A worried or anxious dog can build confidence by observing and assessing the world around them. A puppy can learn that not everything around them is relevant to them. A busy dog can learn to find their off switch. A reactive dog can observe from a place of safety. And every dog can learn that sometimes we do nothing and that's ok...
If I could give just one piece of advice to all new puppy owners it would be to practice doing nothing with your pup. It will repay you in spades. So find a quiet spot, park yourself and just watch the world go by together...