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Maine Coast Bulldogs Breeding of French bulldogs

I recently heard a big breeder say …… Bulldogs are the Rolls Royce of dogs .  If you see a really cheap Rolls Royce woul...

I recently heard a big breeder say …… Bulldogs are the Rolls Royce of dogs . If you see a really cheap Rolls Royce would you question why ?
As we are seeing this breed being turned over in huge numbers to shelters because families couldn’t afford to pay the vet bills with their unhealthy Frenchy 😭😭😭. This is heartbreaking 💔. Over breeding and throwing these babies to the wolves when they can no longer breed is disturbing 😭😭😭.
Good structure
Good pedigree
Good lineage
Are all extremely important
The goal is to give you the best possible pet you’ll ever own !!!!!!
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For daily videos and diary of pups growing ❤️

Happy 3 weeks today to this crew !!!!!  Pups are eating mush now and starting to play ❤️They have all my adult girls con...

Happy 3 weeks today to this crew !!!!!
Pups are eating mush now and starting to play ❤️
They have all my adult girls constantly caring for them so many many mothers 🤣🤣…..
they already climb on my lap and want attention ❤️
They are so cute to watch them grow ….
Pups will be ready for new homes in March just in time for better weather!!!!
Follow us on instagram for daily pup stories and pics

Seeing lots of Families returning for their second Frenchie lately ❤️❤️❤️❤️ !  Keeping Family together fills my heart pl...

Seeing lots of Families returning for their second Frenchie lately ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ! Keeping Family together fills my heart plus I am truly blessed!!!!! Knowing they trusted me once again to raise their new family member ❤️. Remembering this breed is an investment. French Bulldogs are extremely expensive to breed for health and in a correct responsible way ❤️
This breed requires lots of human time to be happy ❤️
If you live a very busy life , work long hours out of the home this is probably not the breed for you .
Frenchies are very social dogs and love friends !!!

As a buyer of a French Bulldog you may wonder why is there such a huge difference in prices from breeder to breeder!!!  ...

As a buyer of a French Bulldog you may wonder why is there such a huge difference in prices from breeder to breeder!!! These dogs are priced as low as 1,500 and up to over 20,000 !!!! Why you ask ?
Let’s break down some of the reasons
#1 coat color some colors are more expensive such as lilacs , Merle’s , chocolate, ect !

# 2 breeder reputation- breeders with long Standing customers and healthy pups are more in demand and ensure the health of your pup

#3 vet care - these dogs are very very expensive to breed needing Csections, lots of bloodwork, ultrasounds , X-rays and fertility specialists to ensure the safety of the female and the litter . Some people don’t mind risking it all to save money and make more in their litter ! This is always a gamble we would not dream of trying! If your Csections end up on the weekend your price just doubled .

# 4 health tested, Akc registered, all proper steps to ensure the life of your dog . Again some people do none of these steps .

# 5 Time and effort! How much time is put into the litter . Are they thrown in a swimming pool from Walmart with mom and sold at 8 weeks ? Are they handled , deworming, vet care , fresh bedding, socializing, loved , potty training started ? Has your breeder spent every night all night up ensuring the safety of the litter and mom ❤️

#6 breeders should be investing in the health and safety of their dogs . Make sure you always ask questions about this breed and all the policies!

A 1500 Frenchie can cost you 20,00O in the next five years of life 💔 this is an extremely expensive breed if you get an unhealthy pup ! The long term health can take a few years to show its face 😭😭😭
Hopefully 🤞 this helps you shop better and have some knowledge on how much is involved

Frenchies are addictive!It’s been said Frenchie Owners are the most particular dog owners around 😂. Most of us don’t tru...

Frenchies are addictive!
It’s been said Frenchie Owners are the most particular dog owners around 😂. Most of us don’t trust anyone to babysit them 😂
Somehow nobody else is capable of caring for them 😂
They are needy brats ❤️
They make you laugh
They steal your heart and then your bed
You will never sit on the couch or toilet alone again
They attack water hoses , brooms , vacuums and swifters ……. So no need to clean 🧼
They turn their noses up if you feed them regular dog food only and can manipulate you to give them something better 😜.
They make funny noises and almost stand on their heads on furniture’
They act at times like the biggest dog in existence
They are 🤩 absolutely perfect

I keep seeing families getting new pups before they turn 8 weeks 😭😭.  If you’re being offered your pup before 8 weeks pl...

I keep seeing families getting new pups before they turn 8 weeks 😭😭. If you’re being offered your pup before 8 weeks please 🙏 see this as a red flag ! The state of Maine and other States have strict laws in place to protect this ! It’s against the law to remove a pup from mom before 8weeks of age and most vets are required to report such activity.
Ensuring the best possible transition for your new puppy can have long term effects.

One big concern with Frenchies is Allergies!!!!    It’s the season that a lot of dogs start licking paws terribly!!!!!  ...

One big concern with Frenchies is Allergies!!!!
It’s the season that a lot of dogs start licking paws terribly!!!!! Yes there are shots for allergies but did you ever try Apples ? Did you know that the skin on an apple has been known to decrease itching and can sometimes get to the root of the allergy all on its own !!!! The skin has quercetin that’s beneficial to fighting that itch ! Your dog won’t eat the apple piece …. Try a little natural peanut butter on it …. A few slices of apple a day may keep the vet away 🙏❤️…..

Hi 👋 everyone ❤️    I must say we are so blessed to have a majority of our pups going to homes 🏠 who previously already ...

Hi 👋 everyone ❤️
I must say we are so blessed to have a majority of our pups going to homes 🏠 who previously already own one of our babies!!!! This is amazing to see brothers and sisters growing up and living their best lives together with their new families! A true compliment ❤️ to us .
My passion is love for this breed and believe all dogs deserve the very best life possible! Please when buying a pup make sure you know the adult parents of your new puppy are in a safe environment and not just being used and abused for money 💰!!!!
This is happening all over then the females being dumped in shelters 🤯🤬!!!!! I want to be a voice and advocate for them by making you the buyer aware …….🙏🙏🙏 please research 🧐 every situation . We see a cute pup and can get distracted fast 💨 but that comes with a price sometimes.
We ensure that none of our babies ever end up in a shelter! We support each and every family with any questions or needs to support them in giving the best life possible to our pups ❤️!
Congratulations to all the new families from this litter ❤️

French Bulldogs are in a league of their own ! Yes they are now number 1 wanted dog in America!!!Finding the right vet i...

French Bulldogs are in a league of their own !
Yes they are now number 1 wanted dog in America!!!
Finding the right vet is very very important!!! Unfortunately these babies also can be very very sensitive to certain Vaccines and Anesthesia! Ensuring their safety is key !!!! We use a local vet for health checks and vaccines but travel for anything above routine visits.
French Bulldogs should always have a harness on never a leash and collar 😢.
Keeping your Frenchie at a healthy weight is important!
Never just change the diet of your Frenchie just because you’ve read something on line or 🧐 think this looks better . Their belly’s and digestive systems can be sensitive. If you’re not having issues leave it alone !!!!
If your dog has a chicken allergy be aware that a lot of lamb dog foods include chicken byproducts. So if you’re switching please check the bag for the chicken byproducts.
Remember a cute puppy isn’t necessarily a healthy puppy. Research and make sure your dealing with someone you can communicate with in the future and transparency is important. Have a great weekend!

Raising pups is a lot of work ❤️Their development in the beginning is so important! Coming from healthy bloodlines , rec...

Raising pups is a lot of work ❤️
Their development in the beginning is so important!
Coming from healthy bloodlines , receiving proper vet care , proper diets , socializing, redirecting constantly. Ensuring you’re receiving the healthiest pup possible! This should be what everyone’s goal is ❤️❤️❤️. When you get your pup those shark teeth require lots of stimulation!!!! Not your finger or wood work , cords , shoes ect should be available at this time !!!! Make sure they are always supervised on what’s going in your pups mouth ! Just like a baby every thing deserves a taste 😂.
These pups have been learning right and wrong naturally in our adult pack . So when you receive our pups they have the ability to judge proper behaviors with adult dogs . This can make it easier if you have an adult dog already at home 🏠
We share all our pup journeys on instagram

I read an article the other day about French Bulldogs being in crisis 💔💔.   Frenchie Greeders not Breeders !!!!   The ge...

I read an article the other day about French Bulldogs being in crisis 💔💔. Frenchie Greeders not Breeders !!!! The get rich off puppies then dump your dog in a shelter and breeding dogs with known congenital issues has overwhelmed the big shelters! Nothing breaks my heart more than this !!!!! I worry always about every single dog that leaves my home 🏡. Every update on them brings me joy and happiness! Every pup leaves with a signed contract saying our dogs will never end up in a shelter!!!!
Our adults retired stay living their best life here with their FAMILY!
Seeing dogs living their lives in cages used only to support humans is disgusting 🤮!
They love ❤️ us unconditionally, wait for us to come back home 🏡, greet us with joy every single time .
Honestly if I could take them all I would!
Buying a new dog takes time , money and research!
Stop the abuse of dogs and do your part and buy responsible please 🙏

This is a place I try to share things I’ve learned over the years raising my babies and being a Frenchie Mom of five ❤️I...

This is a place I try to share things I’ve learned over the years raising my babies and being a Frenchie Mom of five ❤️
I am not a vet . If I can help you educate yourself on this particular breed and maybe help someone that’s my intentions ❤️
Today I want to talk about Vaccines. French Bulldogs can be extremely sensitive to Vaccines! They can be super sensitive to any Vaccine that begins with the letter L !!!! Lepto is number one caution ⚠️. Today I am talking about this because just this week two of my fellow breeders had dogs with extreme reactions to their Lepto vaccine.
What can we do ? One thing that can be extremely helpful is Benadryl!!!! Please 🙏 always get your correct dose before administering. Benadryl by mouth the night before vaccine and morning of vaccination. After that every 8 hours for 3 days . Yes your baby can become drowsy from the Benadryl that’s normal ….. again weigh your dog and get correct dose.
Asking your vets office before you go what shots are they administering so you are aware ahead of time ❤️. Keeping all our pups safe is key 🔑!!!!!! I love them all !
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Today we seem to have so many things to worry about as humans and our fur babies! Mystery illness, recalls on food , rea...

Today we seem to have so many things to worry about as humans and our fur babies!
Mystery illness, recalls on food , reactions to vaccines, reactions to flea and tick prevention! It’s hard to keep up sometimes and you can wonder what’s the real truth?!?!?!?
❤️ The first ingredient in your dog food should never be cornmeal, beef meal , chicken meal ect …

❤️ beware of anything with Birch sugar!!!! Never never never feed them anything with Birch sugar it’s found in a lot of our human foods or sugar free

❤️ watch foods high in saturated fats ( Bacon 🥓) high in saturated fatty foods is the number one cause of pancreatitis! You don’t ever want to experience this !

❤️ 🥕🥕🥕 are great for eye health in our pets too ! Raw carrots help with dental health and have vitamins A,C, and K all naturally good for your dog ! If they won’t eat raw try cooked you can add a little to their kibble .

❤️ coconut oil is a natural anti itch , anti inflammatory product. Does your dog have gingivitis? Try rubbing coconut oil once a day on their gums this has been known to help with that too !

⭐️ not a vet just sharing things that can be helpful of course always consult the vet when needed ❤️

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All pics are produced by Maine Coast Bulldogs
Feel free to share with anyone who maybe 🤔 interested! Stay warm and healthy ❤️

For atleast 150 years the French Bulldogs have been blessing each Owner with their magnetic presence!  ❤️ they are very ...

For atleast 150 years the French Bulldogs have been blessing each Owner with their magnetic presence!
❤️ they are very adaptable
❤️ food motivated ( open the fridge, open a bag of chips , sit down to eat ) they will be there 😝

❤️ snoring , grunting, whining making noise you’ve never heard these dogs are very talkative some days you may question pig or two year old not a dog 🤣

❤️ strong jaws make toys disappear in sometimes less than 3 minutes! Toy Destroying is so fun 🙄

❤️ neighborhood watch dogs 😬 they love watching out a window to tell you your neighbor five houses down has arrived home from work ! Also to let you know they saw a squirrel, bird or chipmunk 🐿️!

❤️ They greet each guest to your home like it’s their birthday 🎉….. everyone is a friend!

❤️ very very social always looking to play ! Their best friends is usually another Frenchie ! They are very very rough players and tend to jump at dogs faces ( this some bigger dogs do not appreciate) please beware . This is how most of them play !
Nine times out of 10 your Frenchie will be moved from the small dogs at doggie daycare and moved with the big dogs 🐕 😊.

❤️ Velcro dogs that follow their human from place to place . They often sit on your feet or lean against you even when standing. Sit down and loose your lap .

❤️ you often find Frenchies sitting on a coffee table , kitchen table or chair and up high on the back of living room furniture……

❤️ you don’t understand the addiction until you become a Frenchie parent ! Once you go Frenchie you never go back 😝😝😝

Happy New Year 🎊 everyone stay safe
Follow us on instagram for more Frenchie fun

When searching for a new baby ❤️I approach this subject a lot because most people buying just jump at the cute pup or gr...

When searching for a new baby ❤️
I approach this subject a lot because most people buying just jump at the cute pup or great price .
Raising these dogs is not CHEAP! The initial investment for a breeding female ( with rights ) is not cheap . Then getting them properly checked for health clearance.
That’s just the beginning!
Things to look for ……
Most of the time a good Breeder will have a wait list !
This means they have repeat customers or families willing to wait for a quality puppy ❤️.
Always look at all their social media accounts and website if available. This is a good place to read comments under their posts and see their reputation.
Having healthy habits before , during and after pregnancy is crucial. Good breeders ensure that their programs are as healthy as possible.
All our dogs stay with us for life ! They are not our money makers . We are very small and it’s a passion not a business. Take a look at our instagram
Hopefully this can help someone searching for a new Frenchie get a healthy quality pup . Ensuring the parents to your pup is also living their best life ❤️
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Christmas 🎄!




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