Folly & Friends Mustang Sanctuary

Folly & Friends Mustang Sanctuary Folly & Friends Mustang Sanctuary is a 501c3 nonprofit that provides sanctuary to wild mustangs Our approach is multi-faceted.

Folly and Friends Mustang Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 nonprofit located in Birdsboro, PA. Our mission is to spread awareness about the 50,000+ mustangs who have been rounded up and are awaiting adoption, and help facilitate their transition into domestic life. We are currently home to 10 “permanent resident” mustangs, many of whom are from the same herd and were reunited after being rounded up. They w

ill never again be separated from their family, or know the struggles of water and food shortage. All of the mustangs here are tamed so that visitors can come and interact with their herd and see how loving these once wild horses can become. We have welcomed potential adopters, school and 4H groups, retirement homes, veterans, families from our local community, and those with disabilities to come and learn about mustangs while enjoying the therapy being around these animals provides. There is no charge for visits, but donations toward the herd are always welcomed. Our sanctuary herd is at various levels of training so we can host free taming demos to the public. The mustangs who are trained to ride compete in a variety of disciplines so that the public can see how versatile these horses are and consider them when looking for their next partner. We provide education on kinder training methods, since too often mustangs are trained by breaking their spirit and dominating them into submission. Spend a few minutes in our herd and you’ll see the relationship possible with these animals using a gentler approach. Additionally, our founder, Chelsea is a TIP trainer with the Mustang Heritage Foundation. Through this program you can get a mustang who is halter broke, leads, picks up all four feet, is able to be brushed all over, load on a trailer, and can be kept normal fencing vs the 6’ required for wild ones for just the $125 adoption fee. She also offers private training for other mustangs who need help adjusting to domestic life. We’re always happy to walk interested adopters through the different avenues of adoption, the paperwork, and adoption requirements. In addition to this, we have arranged transport for dozens of mustangs from out west to their adopters on the east coast. Less than 1% of gathered mustangs are ever listed on the Internet adoption, and aren’t visible to those who don’t live close to a facility. When possible, our founder will fly out to the facilities to photograph and catalogue the available mustangs and try to find adopters for them, then arrange cost-effective hauling options. Your tax deductible donations help support the sanctuary herd and our other programs to get mustangs adopted. Our goal is to expand the sanctuary to provide permanent safety to more mustangs, while inspiring others to adopt through our journey with these amazing animals. Visitors are welcome by appointment ONLY. Sanctuary visits are free but donations are always welcome and tax-deductible. Please call or message to set up your visit :)

Kestrel would like to thank everyone for the prayers! He is back to his normal self now but it was an awful ordeal. The ...

Kestrel would like to thank everyone for the prayers! He is back to his normal self now but it was an awful ordeal. The vet came out, oiled him but said he signs weren’t good. But as the sedation wore off and banamine kicked in, his appetite picked up and he seemed to be doing much better. He left but two hours later Kestrel took a turn for the worse again. By this point it was after midnight, on a freezing and flurrying night. He was trying to throw himself on the ground and I was trying everything to keep him up and walking so he wouldn’t develop a fatal intestine twist, Hopi by ore banamine would do the trick. 2am came and he finally fell to the ground, and just laid there, not trying to roll. I couldn’t get him up, so I just laid there on the below freezing ground with him, covered him in more blankets, and cried into his mane. His eyes were rolling in his head, he was groaning and breathing hard. If I’d been able to get a vet out at that hour, we undoubtedly all probably would have made the call to end his suffering. Horses almost never come back from something like that and it’s the worst call as an owner to decide between hope and suffering. But it wasn’t an option at 3am, so we laid there, crying and praying. And by morning he was standing. Another dose of banamine and he was eating hay again. Still not himself, but I was flooded with hope. He ate more hay and a little grain for dinner. The next day he continued to improve and by the following he was back to being his rammy, plucky self.
We appreciate all your prayers and donations to the vet bills 🙏🏻
Kestrel is always giving us a run for our money with his larger than life personality, but he is also the horse you can put a beginner or child on and know he’ll take care of them.

🎄Merry Christmas from our Santa ‘stangs! 🎅🏼 🎄

🎄Merry Christmas from our Santa ‘stangs! 🎅🏼 🎄

Waiting on the vet with Kestrel, he is currently colicking 😢 Prayers or donations towards this vet bill would be appreci...

Waiting on the vet with Kestrel, he is currently colicking 😢
Prayers or donations towards this vet bill would be appreciated 🙏🏻

Revel hopping over the creek his first day turned out with the herd in the main field. Wren and Flaire weren’t so sure b...

Revel hopping over the creek his first day turned out with the herd in the main field. Wren and Flaire weren’t so sure but soon learned it wasn’t going to hurt them.

We have been trying to integrate our sweet Pendleton into the herd for some time now, but they're being bullies to him a...

We have been trying to integrate our sweet Pendleton into the herd for some time now, but they're being bullies to him and Revel. Luckily those two guys get along, and the herd is slowly allowing them to hangout closer and closer. Pen still would rather be in his stall during the day where no one can steal his hay, but we're trying to convince him that herd life where he can move around all day is a better option.
If you've visited the sanctuary in the past year, you've probably met this lovable guy (and he probably snuck some snacks from you).
He would really love a full or partial sponsor for Christmas 🙏🎄 (and it's a good excuse to come snuggle him more often!)

Folly feeling a little frisky

Folly feeling a little frisky

Every week I’m contacted about mustangs in need- horses in the slaughter pipeline, adopters in over their head with a ch...

Every week I’m contacted about mustangs in need- horses in the slaughter pipeline, adopters in over their head with a challenging mustang, people who have fallen on hard times and will have to take one to auction (and back to that slaughter pipeline cycle). Herd members of our residents. Mustangs who have been through trauma, starvation, and cruel training methods. Every week I have to turn away dozens of horses I know I could have helped if we had the funding to feed them. And that’s all it boils down to, because every penny goes right to their care. No one here takes any kind of payment, and I am so grateful for our volunteers who work their butts off to help me keep this herd cared for in all weather. But the drought this summer has hay in such short supply, with the highest prices I’ve ever seen. Everyone is scrambling to stock up before there’s nothing affordable to be found, and to reserve it we need donations direly.
So many of our beloved herds were gathered this fall and will be needing homes early in 2025. We would love to help those we are able to, and continue to provide sanctuary and education to our current residents, but we can’t do it without your help. If these amazing animals have ever touched your heart, a post made your day a little brighter, or a visit here stirred something in your soul, I am hoping you can spare a few dollars towards their hay fund this 🙏🏻

November photo dump because so many photos never make it here. First we have Revel and baby Flaire, who isn’t even two y...

November photo dump because so many photos never make it here.
First we have Revel and baby Flaire, who isn’t even two yet but is growing like a w**d. Then Revel and Pendleton, Pendleton being a hovercraft, Soleil with her trail snacks, Queen Folly all dappled up, Flaire Wren and Revel inspecting a pumpkin to see why the goats like them so much, and then the girls enjoying being in the main field 🥰


Wren was soo excited to get out to the main field today. She and Quasi are suddenly obsessed with each other and had been calling all morning after breakfast. Her cute little nickers once she got up there are so cute. And then of course Flaire wanted to join in.

❗️Help! Some hooligan put their hoof in the main water trough, cracking it and causing a massive leak! Every penny right...

❗️Help! Some hooligan put their hoof in the main water trough, cracking it and causing a massive leak!
Every penny right now is tied up trying to get hay before it sells out everywhere. Would anyone want to donate or chip in for a new trough for the herd? They’re $120 at Tractor supply for the 100 gallon size we need. Can either be dropped off here, or ordered for pickup under my name at the Pottstown or Boyertown, PA tractor supplies.
Thank you 🙏🏻

(Can donate through this post,
PayPal [email protected]


Revel enjoying some love from our neighbor’s 91 year old mother today. He has only been here 7 months but is turning into such a love bug.
He still needs a sponsor! Whether a full sponsorship or a partial amount to cover his hoof trims, ($50) etc, or a few dollars on this post, any little bit helps us keep helping and sharing the magic of mustangs.


Today was hoof trim day for the herd! Can you help us cover the trim of your favorite horse here or chip in towards our bill?
Inara, Fleet, and Dorado are already covered thanks to their wonderful sponsors.
Can we get the rest covered today?
🔲 Flaire, (in this video) isn’t even two yet and got her first full trim today. We used a bit of bribery to make it a great experience and she settled down well. She’s from the same herd as Folly, just 13 years apart.
🔲Folly 👑

Each trim is $50, but every little bit adds up! ($550 total)

You can donate through this post, Venmo
Or PayPal [email protected]

An evening frolic for the herd back in early September.  Now that the grass has died (our severe drought here hasn't hel...

An evening frolic for the herd back in early September. Now that the grass has died (our severe drought here hasn't helped), the herd is going through two 500+lb round bales a week , plus 35 small alfalfa mix bales in the pens. Once it gets cold, that amount will be tripled. With such a severe drought, hay prices are sky rocketing and most of our usual suppliers only made half the amount of hay they usually do.
Every little bit helps us keep the herd fed, and all donations are tax deductible. We also offer full and partial sponsorships of your favorite horse which come with periodic gifts :)

We need $2700 to cover our current hay bill, which will last us 6 weeks. Every single penny donated goes directly to the herd- our entire board and care staff is entirely volunteer. We also welcome visitors by appointment so you can meet the animals you're helping and see the quality of life we aim to provide all of our residents :)

Photos thanks to Social


This day was a long long time in the making. Fleet has been here a year and a half and is still the most anxious Mustang I have worked with in over a decade. I’ve watched him spook at birds in his pen so bad he ran into things or smacked his head on the wall. When he arrived he would snort nonstop anytime he saw a person, would kick if he felt too much pressure, and strike anything that touched him. We jokingly called him 50 First Dayes, but it was that way for hundreds and hundreds of training sessions. He’d progress, then regress. Lately a more curious side of him has come out, although his whole body nearly liquifie in fear still when you touch him. He is very hard to even get on the right side of and I’ve only managed some pets on that side. His first leading sessions were explosive, despite letting him drag the rope to teach himself to give to pressure. It was clear very fast that he would hurt himself before ever giving in to anything, so we used positive reinforcement and before that, the concept of a lure to at least get a baby step in the right direction. His leading is still very sticky but he is much more relaxed about it and getting a bit better with other people working with him. He has always liked my friend’s daughter and I was very proud of both of them this weekend!
We always get asked if we have mustangs for adoption, and the answer is always that they’d be available to the right forever home, since that’s the only way we can help new mustangs. Fleet is finally at a point where he would be able to go to a training-minded home where he could be worked with daily, someone who enjoys the process of training just as much as the end goal. Horses like him thrive on bonding with “their” person and with 15 mustangs here it’s hard to be that for him. But if his person never comes along, he will always have a safe place here ❤️


Dorado hasn’t been a fan of the newbies being turned out with the main herd. We’ve been trying to integrate Revel, Flaire, Wren, and Pendleton but he’s been quite a bully to the geldings. They’ve lived in a pen next to each other for a long time now and socialized through the fence, but his lead stallion mentality just doesn’t want these guys near his mares. But once upon a time, he was like this to Kestrel and now he’s his top lieutenant. Sid and him also used to have kicking battles but now tolerate each other. Last night we separated Dorado so the newbies could have a chance to hang around the main herd a little more peacefully, but they still kept to themselves for now.

Jumping ditches and water should be no problem for Revel in the future, he jumped that creek without a second thought!

Luna and Soleil These two mares were the second and third mustangs we ever got. Half sisters from Cedar Mountain, Utah, ...

Luna and Soleil
These two mares were the second and third mustangs we ever got. Half sisters from Cedar Mountain, Utah, they were reunited after the roundup. We found Luna on the internet adoption, and were sent photos of her in the wild. Looking back at pictures and videos a friend had sent us from the holding facility, we realized the other buckskin mare was in the same pen as her, glued to her side. At this point Soleil was heavily pregnant but emaciated because when she's stressed she doesn't eat. Unfortunately she miscarried the foal before we could get hauling for her, but if you've been following since the beginning you'll remember how skeletal she was, there would have been no way she could have nursed a foal. Luckily she had her sister to help her adjust to her new life here, and they are the most bonded of all the horses we've ever had here.
Both mares are still looking for sponsors to help ensure they always have the safety of the sanctuary. Whether a full sponsor or a small monthly donation towards their hay, they would be so grateful!

Photos thanks to Sniped Social

We had some questions about who the latest three mustangs were. While we have posted about all of them, FB doesn’t alway...

We had some questions about who the latest three mustangs were. While we have posted about all of them, FB doesn’t always share them to your walls so I figure I’ll post some more :)
First up is Wren, who arrived last January. She’s a tiny thing At 13.3 and from the first week decided she just wanted to be a kids pony. 75% of her rides so far have been by by friend’s 10 year old.
She is from Sand Springs, Oregon and will be available to the perfect home at some point, whether the right one comes along now or once she has more miles under saddle.


Birdsboro, PA





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