I still run across people who would like free samples. Please ask, I do not mind at all. May even deliver some samples to a business. Just ask. I am working on a valentine box deal. When I get a sample box together, will post. Remember these are homemade, with ingredients bought at Walmart or Brookshires (human grade not leftovers not fit for human consumption), no added anything, including preservatives, dyes ECT. I am very picky about what goes in my treats because of all the extras in commercial treats. I don't won't to feed my dog that. So if you have questions or want a free sample or have a friend you want to get some for, just ask. Thanks again 😊 for your support, encouragement and patience as I learn running a business. It isn't for the faint of heart. Lots of trial and error 😂 and I dearly appreciate ALL my customers! Please hang in there with me.