From Rachel-
Hello all! My hubby and I bought the old creation station about a year and a half ago at Blissfield highway and Rouget. When we took possession we were tasked with finding homes for almost all of the 30 cats/kittens that were left here at the farm. With the help of Facebook, Little Mews and a dear friend we were able to home all but 8. Those 8 we held onto making one an indoor kitty and lost two this past spring leaving us with a manageable 5 outdoors. They have a very cushy house with water and food and warmth and do very well. My reason for writing this story is, is over the past few months, we have had three outside cats start hanging around. One is a beautiful silver colored Bengal marked full grown cat, another is a large almost all white one with little black on the head and looks like the back end was dipped in black paint, the third is an all tiger, no white that I can see. If any of these sound like they might be yours please contact me. I’m going to have to try and trap them (without trapping mine) and get them to a rescue because I can’t afford to deal with the issue we had when we bought the place. I will post pics of I can get any, they won’t come close to us.