Little heads-up. There’s been some complaints and speculations about the security of the good dog site. Past year I’ve just been using them, because for the most part, it’s easy to use. They do require that all payments be made through them, and so far, they seemed secure. Recently though I had a family inform me their information was compromised and the bank indicated it was from using good dog. I’ve tried to go on and delete my payment information, but there’s not an option, there’s also not an option to delete a lot of my pics, or to even delete my account myself. Which seems very sketchy. I’ve been in contact with them, and they said they will delete my account and the information will go at that time, but personally I think the user should have more control. They charge fees to the buyer, unless the buyer uses their bank account…..which from what the family said was the issue. I will not be using them anymore, and hope no one else’s information has been compromised. I encourage everyone to keep a close eye on your accounts, and im sorry for any issues this may have caused anyone. In the future, any payments will be made in person or just directly through PayPal (which has had its fair share of hiccups…..my info was used last year by a guy in Malaysia trying to buy watches in Brooklyn, but bank said it was from putting my PayPalinfo into a site like Amazon….but could have been another). My account was cleaned out, but my bank and PayPal did make it right….just took a bit, and was a pain. I think the site has its potential, and they are adding more learning resources, but they’re new and still learning.
Far as Chase Me Shelties, we do have availability, but with all the uncertainties surrounding my mom’s passing, I’m unable to spend the time with the littles that I’d like. So any older ones left are reduced drastically, no fault of their’s, but I can’t love on them when I’m in Texas. Working on a link for applications so folks can get their inquiries in easier. I’ll also no longer have a waitlist, and any future planned breedings have been suspended.
I do have a trip scheduled to Texas beginning of December and have a litter with two little blue girls and two tricolor boys. Could possibly bring one of them down in cabin with me for a reduced transportation cost.
Thank you everyone who has offered their condolences. It’s been such a yo-yo of emotions, and oftentimes my yo-yo seems to get stuck spinning at the bottom, unable to pop up.