Got a new website up and running now consolidating everything we do where you can go to scroll through our currently available animals, rescues who need rehomed, and animal videos for education and entertainment, along with cheap 2nd hand supplies for every animal under the sun!
The video archive hasn't been uploaded yet, but we'll upload more every day forever so check back! You can also schedule a tour of our "zoo" or invite us to bring some of the animals to your party. Our classroom here holds 12 kids so lots of possibilities!
There's information on how to get on the waiting list and a downloadable care sheet PDF as well.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you find any typos 🙃
Thank you!
Exotic Pets Your Family Will Love Iowa Family Exotics & Rescue are specialized keepers and breeders of hedgehogs, ball pythons, boa constrictors, various monitors, and American bullies and bully breeds.We offer rescue, surrender, and adoption services for most snake and lizard species, as well as he...