What do you think when you hear the term “e-collar?” Or the older, less accurate “shock collar?”
Do you picture a happy Golden boy busting a move back to his human with a wagging tail and self-assured expression?
Can these tools be abused? Absolutely.
Are there totally crappy products on the market that are unfair to the dog? Absolutely.
Can proper e-collar training with a quality tool be a good and happy thing and bring off leash freedom to a wider range of dogs? Absolutely!
My dogs go bananas when I pick up their e-collars. Why? Because they know it means we’re going to go do something! And that something is very often going to involve some off leash freedom.
Do you have questions about e-collars?
Discovery Dog Training is here to answer those questions in a helpful and non-judgmental way. 🐾♥️🐕
Being in a new place, and getting to enjoy her favorite weather, made Yuki very tempted to pretend she’d never been taught to come when called.
And while yes, that’s a skill she’ll need to improve, it wasn’t a skill I was interested in working on in single digits and negative wind chills.
I didn’t want to create an unhelpful game (chase) nor did I want to cause undo conflict. So, every time we take Yuki out to the yard, she drags a 15 ft biothane long line. The first day or two, when I would approach the leash and ask her to follow, she’d balk a little and I would actually have to use leash tension. Now, a week in, I often don’t even need to pick up the leash, but when I do, she happily follows along (as seen in the video).
So, instead of creating bad habits or causing conflict, we’re just using a drag line to instill new patterns of behavior. ♥️🐾 (And to keep me from freezing my bum off any longer than is necessary! I am no husky!)
Y’all. The ticks are worse than I’ve ever seen them. He got four ticks - in 30-60 seconds in a leaf pile in the middle of my field. Continue to go outside and have fun - but please check yourselves and your pups after! #mountainjack