Webster vs the rain
Webster HATES getting wet!!
Ganon the Canon is all about the mud and snoot kisses!! 🤎🐽💣
MUD day!!! 🤎🐽
#mud #mudfun
“But… seriously, Mom? They’re *right there*! Whhhhhyyyy can’t I have them??!!” (Minnie Pearl 🐖💗)
Minnie Pearl has a serious love affair with anything tarp or tarp like! She has been trying to steal these tarps - the tent roof and side drop to the tent we used at Daniel Boone Days in July - for months! I have had to “rescue” them from her nest, and even trade her out for something different mid-haul! Lol!
I recently used the tarps to cover the hay bales, and left them out, in the wagon, since we are expecting more hay this week. Apparently, Minnie Pearl discovered the tarps and managed to pull or push the wagon over trying to steal them when she thought I wasn’t looking! Lol!
I love this strong willed, determined, independent, vocal and loving girl with the best smile and ever ready snoot kisses… even if she is a tarp (among other things, lol) thief! ❤️🐖💗
#minniepearlgirl🐖💗 #tarps #mytarps #notfair #determined #sneaky #loveher
“All snacks taste better when you eat them laying down!! But watermelon is YUMMY enough to sit up for!!❤️🍉” (Ganon the Canon 🐽💣)
#ganonthecanon🐽💣 #watermelon #yummy #snacks #eatinginbed #toocute
Minnie Pearl came to us with no rooting or grazing instincts. And while she still prefers treats and food to be deposited directly into her mouth, she has been working hard to learn how to “use her nose” to find food on the ground.
This is a regular training/therapy that we do with Minnie Pearl and the results have been exciting! She now joins the others at snack time and tries to find the food on the ground before coming to ask for a direct deposit; and she has started to transition the skill into grazing on grass and other leaves. This is a BIG deal as grazing is 50-80% of their diet here at the Sanctuary: 50% in the colder months and 80% during spring and summer.
Grazing and rooting are natural, and very important, food sources for pigs! It provides an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients crucial to their staying healthy.
We are so proud of Minnie Pearl Girl and how quick she found today’s almond treats!! 🐖💗🎉
#minniepearlgirl🐖💗 #almonds #treats #useyournose #training #therapy #grazing #grazingskills #rooting #rootingskills #soproud
“Mom brought home some boxes of watermelon and I was really sneaky — I went through the bottom of the big box to get to the watermelon!! Yeeesss…. the top of the big box was open… but that would have been *obvious* what I was doing! I *rescued* a whole box of watermelon and Stevey helped me open it and eat it all! Yummm! Mom was laughing so I guess I wasn’t sneaky enough. Oh well, it was worth it cause then we all got watermelon for snack!” (Sweet Pete 🐽🌸)
#sweetpete🐽🌸 #sneeky #tryingtobesneeky #sillyboy #watermellon #yum
Blade Little Guy! 🐷🪓
Blade is a TALKER! You can always hear him, coming or going, before (and after) you see him!
I just wish my microphone had picked up his conversation better — you can hear him coming all the way from the mud pit at the top of the hill on the other side of that grove of trees! ❤️🐷🪓
#bladelittleguy🐷🪓 #talker #talkative #heardbeforeseen #sweetboy #lovehim
I am so glad this little girl still wants her morning nap time - and wants to snuggle for it!! 🐽🥜💕#theprincesspeanutt🐽🥜 #naptime #snugglebug #routine #lovethis #loveher #preciousgirl #sweetgirl #sweetmoments
Webster kisses!
“That pig smells funny, mom. Are you sure that’s me? That can’t be me, I’m here, see??” (Webster 🐷📖)
This morning I have gotten four - yes, four!!! - actual snoot kisses from this sweet boy!!! So excited!
He is not sure of the camera and doesn’t know what to think of seeing himself on the screen, so the video kiss is a bit shy, but I was given another kiss once the camera was off! 🐽
#websterdictionarypig🐷📖 #snootkisses #snoots #kisses #sweetboy #camerashy
ThOINK you!
This has been trying to post for a week! Sorry for the late ThOINK you!!
“ThOINK you to Mr. Jason and my friends at Ole Bus Stop Diner for the yummmy lettuce treat!! It was Princessy-delicious!!” (Princess Peanut 🐽🥜)
#theprincesspeanutt🐽🥜 #lettuce #treats #yummmy #friends #thOINKyou
“I am the perfect, Princessy, big sister! I *always* (or mostly always…) get up when my little brother, Blade, says it’s time to get up. Mommy says I usually get up on (what she calls) Blade’s ‘second round wake up call’, but can you blame me? A princess needs her beauty sleep and Blade gets up extra extra early before the sun! Yawn!!
I get up, stretch, yawn a lot (Mommy says), then go outside to do my morning Princess business (because Princesses never do morning business in the house! Ew!), eat some grass and hang out with my little brother. See what a good, Princessy older sister I am!! 💕
Blade always wants to go down to the creek after we eat grass. That is too much exercise for a princess, especially in the morning!! So I do a more Princessy thing instead and climb back in bed and snuggle under the covers until the sun says, ‘Good morning, Princess Peanut! Let’s play!’☀️ (and Mommy tells me it’s breakfast time! No princess misses breakfast!).” (Princess Peanut 🐽🥜)
#theprincesspeanutt🐽🥜 #bigsister #princessbeautysleep #morningsnackbeforemorningnap #whydoesBladegetupsoearly #yawn