Paris was working hard on her sit/stay and impulse control this morning!
A morning walk with Buck. He is here for some leash manners, impulse control (who can resist chasing those pesky cats?) and basic obedience.
He is such a happy guy and always goofing around, but he has came a long way with walking respectfully on a leash.
Maggie resists the irge to door dash
Maggie came here to get some basic obedience with special attention to her door dashing tendencies. This was tonight’s session on waiting until she is asked to walk through a doorway.
Tethered pup
Want to know how to have a puppy in the house that rarely messes or chews on things he isn’t supposed to?
The answer is simple. Tether him to you! If he isn’t in his crate, he is tied to my side. I’m as guilty as the next person of getting distracted and losing track of puppy. When he is tied to me this is virtually impossible. It also helps socialize him to the sounds and actions of my day to day life.
Dog bowls
Have you seen anything like these dog bowls?!?
$25/each. These are selling fast! Claim yours by sending payment through PayPal (@tmassman) or Venmo (tara-massman)
Sippy cups
Tumblers aren’t the only thing she created for us!
We even have cups for the little people in your life. They have sippy and regular lids.
Only a handful of these. $25/each. PayPal (@tmassman) or Venmo (Tara-massman) to claim yours.
The Punchy Pineapple has outdone themselves again!
Check out these tumblers!!! $25/each. I only have 20 left already so claim yours quickly by sending payment through PayPal (@tmassman) or Venmo (tara-massman)
New swag
New swag is rolling in here!
What do y’all think of this tumbler from The Punchy Pineapple??
Who wants their very own? Should I make a bill order?
Puppy obedience
A little evening obedience work while supper was simmering.
Building drive
Genetics matter
Research the breed and their purpose before you make your selection.
And then use those genetics to your advantage when training. Build confidence and drive in moments of play. Keep training sessions short and fun for you and your dog. Enjoy the time spent while shaping your puppy I to the dog if your dreams.
In this video we are walking at dark, after a thunderstorm. There is lightning and Thunder in the distance. By doing this I am exposing her to environmentals she will encounter throughout her life. By continuing to do similar sessions, things that could cause reactivity later in life will be no big deal to this dog.
For all those wanting information on how to get there on one of these hats, here you go
Look what came in today!! Thank you DT Performance Designs.
Let’s talk feeding routines.
Let me guess, you don’t have time to hand feed your dog. This is what I hear the most when I bring up how I feed.
Here is another alternative. Confine them and then hide kibble under toys, blankets, inside and around their crates (with door open). Let them hunt for their food. Problem solve when they can smell it but not easily attain it.
By doing this you are mentally and physically engaging your dog. You are preventing gulping which leads to other issues. You have bought yourself a few minutes to do what you need to get done while still providing your dog with much needed enrichment.
This does not replace spending time training with your dog. It is not a fix all or only means to exercise your dog, but it is one of many methods useful for dogs of any age. It is a great addition to any training or exercise program.
Zeva helps gather cords
Zeva was all about helping us pack up after yesterday’s cattle show!
Many people feel they are being rude by not allowing others to let their dog. Not considering what they are doing to their dogs well being.
This video from #sayitoncedogtraining points out why you should ask people to ignore your dog.
Schedule your private lesson!
Check out Millie and Courtney nailing today’s end of lesson drill. Millie is an Aussie doodle who is very loved and knows she’s a queen. She is coming for help with leash manners and general obedience. Today was lesson 2.