Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies for Rehoming

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies for Rehoming Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppies for Rehoming, Pet breeder, Bowling Green, KY.

I am very sad to report that we lost one of Zoey’s puppies last night. He started having seizures and was gone very quic...

I am very sad to report that we lost one of Zoey’s puppies last night. He started having seizures and was gone very quickly after that. It is heartbreaking when this happens but I know we did everything thing for him and there must have been a neurological problem he was born with. Goodbye sweet Mambo 🙏🌈😢



For those who have a Pongo Cavalier from us - he’s 8 and doing great! He looks like an 80’s rock band member after a bat...

For those who have a Pongo Cavalier from us - he’s 8 and doing great! He looks like an 80’s rock band member after a bath 😂. Pongo was our stud for 5 years and was retired almost 2 years ago.

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 awareness week 2022

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 awareness week 2022

*One Health week 2022*In agreement with the international community, the SOHIC club of the University of Ngaoundéré has ...

*One Health week 2022*

In agreement with the international community, the SOHIC club of the University of Ngaoundéré has been celebrating since yesterday Tuesday, November 1, 2022 the one health concept.
On this day, many posters and banners recalling the need to respect barriers measures and vaccination against COVID-19 were distributed within the Dang campus.
Under the leadership of the president of the club, 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐈 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄 about thirty students under a multidisciplinary attraction, are mobilized for this purpose, to pass the message: "𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐃-𝟏𝟗"
The week to raise awareness of the 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 concept and respect for barriers measures against COVID-19 disease continues today on two main sites:
- Raising awareness among students Government public school of Bini from 8 a.m.
- Raising awareness among students of the ISSMADD higher institute from 1 p.m.

Just 5 days!

Just 5 days!

World Rabies Day
September 28, 2022

One Health, Zero Deaths!!!

A One Health Call to Action!!!

Control of Rabies - a zoonotic, Neglected Tropical Disease – exemplifies the urgent need to implement One Health collaborations to prevent needless animal and human deaths and to strengthen health systems.

Recent years have seen a positive shift towards One Health – a systems approach that includes all partners, stakeholders, and sectors in integrated and cooperative programs. Taking a One Health approach is critical to address zoonotic diseases, especially Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), as a siloed approach, coupled with a lack of capacity and resources, has resulted in ineffective interventions. The need for joint, One Health actions has never been greater to achieve improved global health.

Control of Rabies – a fatal zoonotic disease that ‘requires' a One Health approach.

For rabies, the operationalization of One Health has gained momentum over the last few years, specifically through the development of One Health action plans generated as an output of the Stepwise Approach towards Rabies Elimination (SARE,) workshops, where representative stakeholders from all sectors (human, animal, and environmental health, NGOs, private partners, police, mayors and many others) come together for an intense week-long workshop to develop clear One Health-focused national rabies control strategies, work plans and taskforces.

One Health programs and interventions not only address the target disease or challenge – in this case, rabies – they also lay the foundation to address other health challenges through concrete capacity building and overall health systems strengthening. For instance, building capacity for rapid disease detection and real-time bio-surveillance through community health workers using mHealth technology to guide cost-effective, strategic interventions against rabies builds the capacity for rapid outbreak responses applicable to other health challenges and issues.

Being cognizant of this progress and the valuable One Health case studies that rabies control provides, the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) has set the theme for this year’s World Rabies Day (September 28) as “Rabies: One Health, Zero Deaths”. The theme clearly addresses the drive towards One Health approaches and highlights the global goal for elimination of dog-mediated human rabies cases by 2030 (Zero by 30).

While the tools and expertise for rabies elimination exist, stronger One Health partnerships are needed to effectively drive the vision for a healthier world. Considering the essential nature of and clear need for One Health collaborations in rabies elimination, for World Rabies Day 2022 GARC and the One Health Commission (OHC) are calling for additional partnerships to deliver, advocate for and raise awareness for One Health through rabies education and control programs and actions. The OHC's Bat Rabies Education Team (BRET) is one example.

This World Rabies Day aims to work with, highlight and elevate those programs and champions who are operationalizing One Health daily by asking them to share case studies, narratives and actions that emphasize the importance of One Health in rabies elimination - and subsequently, for overall global health.

We call upon all interested stakeholders from all sectors to contact GARC and/or the OHC to share information and/or narratives about programs and actions that exemplify a One Health approach to rabies elimination, building capacity and strengthening health systems globally. If you or your organization has such stories / examples please contact us ([email protected]) using the subject line: One Health Partnerships and include [email protected] in copy.

Thank you, in advance, to the global One Health and Rabies elimination communities for engaging in this Call to Action. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Global Alliance for Rabies Control
The One Health Commission



More cases of a rare disease have been reported worldwide, including in the United States -- where one health official said he expects new cases in the days ahead.

Great opportunity!Thanks

Great opportunity!

Meet our Speaker!!

Craig Stephen DVM PhD is a veterinary epidemiologist working
on issues at the interface of people, animals and environments
for 30 years. He has worked primarily in the NGO and academic
settings. He is currently a clinical professor at the School of
Population and Public Health (University of British Columbia)
and at the Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. He is
the president and director of the McEachran Institute which aims
to future ready animal health professionals. Craig has worked
on emerging diseases, climate change and global health issues
in Canada and internationally. His recent work focuses on
adapting health promotion and harm reduction thinking to One
Health and wildlife health. He co-wrote and edited two recent
books; "Animals Health and Society" and "Wildlife Population
Health" as well as co-edited and contributed chapters to the
upcoming book "Climate Change and Animal Health" and "One
Health; The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health

Registration link:


Good job 😊

Good job 😊

The three organizations (FAO, OIE, WHO) agree on suspending the sale of captured live wild mammals in food markets as an emergency measure to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission between humans and wildlife with the aim of reducing the risk of variant emergence.

One health in action!!!

One health in action!!!

Formation en communication des risques et engagement communautaire par le réseau *AFROHUN du 28 fev au 2 mars 2022.Au bo...

Formation en communication des risques et engagement communautaire par le réseau *AFROHUN du 28 fev au 2 mars 2022.

Au bout de trois jours de 3 sessions de formation intenses axées sur le Concept one health et son implication dans la gestion de la COVID-19 au Cameroun, L'épidémiologie du COVID-19 et les mécanismes de réponse au Cameroun et, la Communication des risques et l'engagement communautaire à proprement parler, une cinquantaine de leaders d'étudiants de l'UN ont été outillés à travers de nombreux exposés et d'exercices en temps réel, face à cette pandémie et aux différents fléaux freinant la stratégie de riposte mise en place par le gouvernement notamment, la désinformation et la réticence à la vaccination. Ceux-ci sont désormais capacités afin de pouvoir transmettre la bonne information et limiter la propagation non seulement du COVID-19 mais aussi de toutes potentielles menaces de santé publique de manière efficace par une action collaborative et synergique tel que le préconise l'approche une seule santé

Ceux sont désormais 50 ambassadeurs *One_Health outillés et engagés à amener à un changement de comportement, qui ont été placés à la disposition de la communauté.

Tout le monde a un rôle à jouer !!!

Nos remerciements vont à l'endroit du :
- Réseau AFROHUN, acteur majeur de la promotion de l'approche une seule santé en Afrique, principalement représenté à cette formation par le country manager d'AFROHUN-CAMEROUN, le Professeur AROUNA NJAYOU ;
- De madame le Recteur de l'université de Ngaoundéré dans son attachement sans faille à la promotion du savoir et du savoir-faire au sein de l'université de Ngaoundéré.
- De Monsieur le Directeur de L'ESMV, doyen AFROHUN-UN, le Professeur MAMOUDOU ABDOULMOUMINI.
- Du Professeur MOUICHE MOULIOM M. M.

Ainsi qu'à tous ceux qui de près ou de loin ont contribué à la réussite de cette formation.

Training of UN students leaders on risk communication and community engagement by the AFROHUN network at ESMV amphitheat...

Training of UN students leaders on risk communication and community engagement by the AFROHUN network at ESMV amphitheater 100 (Day 1).

On this purely introductory day, we salute the participation of the monitors, facilitators and trainers who, through presentations and interactive exchanges, instructed the students gathered around the SOHIC-UN club and committed to learning, improving their behavior and relay the right information to face global health threats, on specific points :

- Presentation of AFROHUN : its history, its organization chart, its objectives and its action in Cameroon in particular. By Ms Angouang, Country administrator, AFROHUN-CAMEROUN

- The one health concept : Definition and Generalities by Pr NJAYOU, Country manager AFROHUN-CAMEROON

- National strategy in terms of public health and One Health approach in Cameroon. By Dr CHA-AH, APAR Consultant.

In perfect cohesion, these constructive exchanges were welcomed by the student leaders of the UN who will certainly have more questions on this innovative theme.

The training continues tomorrow until March 2, 2022.

 Une vue panoramique sur les activités du club one health de l'université de Ngaoundéré avec son fondateur le désormais ...

Une vue panoramique sur les activités du club one health de l'université de Ngaoundéré avec son fondateur le désormais Dr Anthony Njukeng Tarcisius.

Perspectives from the Leaders: past SOHIC President University of Ngaoundere – Cameroon by AFROHUN | Dec 9, 2021 | Cameroon, Student Blog | 0 comments Ndongmo Njukeng Tarcisius My name is Ndongmo Njukeng Tarcisius, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine final Year student at the University of Ngaoundere ...


👩🏾‍💼🐮🌽🌎 Experts in human, animal, plant or environmental health... join the One Health team!

We'll be launching an integrated suite of resources in 2022 and we're looking for editorial board members around the world to bring them to life.

Apply now 👉


Coordination, collaboration, communication...

 #*One_health_in_action*A l'occasion des journées d'orientation et portes ouvertes de l'université de Ngaoundéré sous le...


A l'occasion des journées d'orientation et portes ouvertes de l'université de Ngaoundéré sous le haut patronage de madame le recteur de l'UN, le club one health de ladite institution c'est une fois de plus illustré par son action de terrain avec pour moyen phare d'intervention, la sensibilisation des enseignants, étudiants et élèves sur la nécessité de collaborer , de coordonner les actions, d'adopter et de de communiquer les bonnes pratiques dans le but de préserver la santé globale.

Nous tenons à remercier tous ceux là qui ont contribué à faire ce pas de plus vers une *santé_optimale_pour_tous!!!

Revivez ces moment en images !!! Avec une prise particulière sur madame le recteur, attentive à la démarche.




Important!!!Quelques ressources importantes en rapport avec la célébration de la semaine mondiale de la résistance aux a...

Quelques ressources importantes en rapport avec la célébration de la semaine mondiale de la résistance aux antimicrobiens.

During World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2021, we encourage everyone to take the opportunity to learn more about AMR. In addition to many WVA policy statements and resources, you may find the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) websites helpful:


Quelques images sur la célébration de la semaine mondiale sur les résistances aux antimicrobiens à l'université de Ngaou...

Quelques images sur la célébration de la semaine mondiale sur les résistances aux antimicrobiens à l'université de Ngaoundéré

Une victoire de plus sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens !!!!Nous remercions tous ceux là qui à travers un match de sen...

Une victoire de plus sur la résistance aux antimicrobiens !!!!
Nous remercions tous ceux là qui à travers un match de sensibilisation et une conférence-débat ont contribué à passer le message : #"les_antimicrobiens_sont_à_utiliser_rationnellement_et_uniquement_sur_prescription"

A l'occasion de la célébration de la semaine mondiale sur les résistances aux antimicrobiens, édition 2021 le club *One_...

A l'occasion de la célébration de la semaine mondiale sur les résistances aux antimicrobiens, édition 2021 le club *One_health* de l'université de Ngaoundéré organise :
- Un match de sensibilisation sur les RAM ce dimanche 21 nov, à partir de 13h30 au stade de la guérite de l'UN
- Une conférence débat ce lundi 22 nov à partir de 14h30 à l'amphi 400 de l'ESMV


Student One Health Innovative Club(SOHIC) Ngaoundere, World One Health Day 2021Topic: Understanding the One Health Conce...

Student One Health Innovative Club(SOHIC) Ngaoundere, World One Health Day 2021

Topic: Understanding the One Health Concept in Cameroon

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Le Club One Health de l'Université de Ngaoundéré vous invite a prendre part à la célébration de la 6è journée mondiale "...

Le Club One Health de l'Université de Ngaoundéré vous invite a prendre part à la célébration de la 6è journée mondiale "Une Seul Santé"(03 Novembre) à travers le webinaire qu'ils organisent le dimanche 31 Octobre 2021 de 19h00 à 20h30 G.M.T+1 sur la plateforme Zoom.

Invité spécial : Dr. Conrad NKOUO, Secrétaire Permanent du Programme Nationale de Prévention et de Lutte contre les Zoonose Émergente et Re-émergente.

Invitation ouverte à tous.

Pour plus d'informations contactez
[email protected]


Bowling Green, KY



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