Montana Dog Rescue

Montana Dog Rescue Montana Dog Rescue focuses it's time and resources on working dogs like Livestock Guardians or herdin This is not responsible care for Livestock Guardians.

Montana Dog Rescue has rescued, fostered, nurtured over 200 Livestock Guardians and herding dogs. Our rescue is located on 22 mountain acres between Livingston and Bozeman Montana, Montana Dog Rescue provides a safe haven where Great Pyrenees, Akbash, Maremmas and other Livestock Guardian dogs are provided safety, love, care and socialization. Basic training and medical attention is provided to

incoming rescues and eventually dogs are ready for adoption into a loving home or ranch. Montana Dog Rescue often is considered a Livestock Guardian Rescue because so many Great Pyrenees or Great Pyrenees crosses are surrendered either because the shelter or rescue was rushing them through the system without a true personality and skills assessment or simply poor judgment or background of adopters. A large issue that sets Montana Dog Rescue apart has the ability to allow a Livestock Guardian to be introduced to livestock or to be in proximity to other guardians and livestock. Open spacious pastures with green grass to run and large shelters allow guardians to decompress and to have a peaceful "re-introduction" to what to means to be an LGD (Livestock Guardian Dog). We set out to do things differently after witnessing the inflow and outflow of many shelters and rescues right here in Montana. Also because we witnesses horrible concrete/chain link enclosures and prison like shelters where LGD's are not emotionally equipped to be. Such confines causes emotional damage instead of a healing effect. Unsuspecting adopters become focused on the magnificent beauty of the LGD instead of being educated on the needs of such a "special purpose" animal. Finding the right fit may take weeks, months or in some cases years, by Montana Dog Rescue to date has only had a less than 1% return on placement. There are good and responsible breeders and we ourselves support a strict method of breeding and qualifying proper farms, ranches and families for such incredible dogs. If you are interested in more information on adoption, please feel free to call, text or email us or if you feel charitable, please feel free to visit our Amazon Wish List here,

Jessica Zimmerman AKA Jessy Dean and Prairie Song Rescue had planned the dog theft and used it to raise over $40,000 acc...

Jessica Zimmerman AKA Jessy Dean and Prairie Song Rescue had planned the dog theft and used it to raise over $40,000 according to records I have received.
Jessica Zimmerman clearly planned out a financial scam and she is involved in numerous fundraising events which very clearly are not for the benefit of her rescue. Recently she posted she would be riding Mongolian. Was trying to raise $22,000, donations did ensue however, she never went to Mongolia. Previously she tried to raise $14,000 for a music album to be made and of course that was not made or produced either. She runs fundraisers all over the state and in other states as well. This was a pure burglary and it was planned out. There are witnesses as to her statements prior to the event. Jessica has no legal standing and the civil case. I have filed evidence as such. She has never had power of attorney or any legal authority to remove my dogs with the exception of selling a few puppies in which she was supposed to pay a friend. She is a criminal. This is not the first animal scam. She also transports animals which seem to disappear and go up for adoption according to records I've received.

A man who ran a dog breeding and rescue operation in Gallatin County for years has filed a civil complaint accusing a Park County dog rescuer and other parties of


UPDATES DOCS...BEWARE OF WHO YOU DONATE CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS TO. Jessica Zimmerman AKA Jessica heimer and on Facebook as Jesscy Dean AND PRAIRIE SONG RESCUE of Wilsall Montana. This same individual who was suspected of burglarizing my home in September 2023 and then unlawfully stole my dogs and personal property in December of 2023 is being sued for $340,000 for breach of contract in Park County, Montana. She is on a fundraising spree under the guise of raising money for her rescue. However, with multiple lawsuits, felony burglary, felony evidence tampering and the theft of a dog in Park county, her legal fees are mounting no doubt.
Sadly, many people have been taken advantage of under false pretenses. Including those that donated to her recent fundraising attempts to ride Mongolia, the making of a music album that never occurred, and other suspect financial transactions.
Please review the following and see for yourself.
Montana Border Collies, LLC

Park county and all of Montana Anyone seeking to rehome a dog to board a dog or to find a transporter of a dog need be v...

Park county and all of Montana
Anyone seeking to rehome a dog to board a dog or to find a transporter of a dog need be very aware of a problem out there.
There is an individual who calls herself Jesscy Dean on Facebook, however, her true name is Jessica Zimmerman AKA Jessica Heimer. She runs prairie song rescue.
It has come to my attention with evidence that she has been volunteering to board dogs and to transport dogs to gain them fraudulently and then they end up showing up for sale on her pages or other rescue pages. She has been charged with felony burglary, dog theft and felony evidence tampering amongst some of her charges in Park county Montana.
Please for the sake of your pet or even a pet you are giving up, do proper vetting making sure that the individuals that you're turning them over to have legitimacy. Law enforcement is aware of this scam, it's always about money apparently and not about the dogs, safety or well-being.
Her husband Leif Zimmerman is also being charged in the burglary. Please make sure you are diligent and careful.

Jessica Zimmerman, aka Jesscy Dean on FB, served another lawsuit via The Livingston Enterprise publication. This is when...

Jessica Zimmerman, aka Jesscy Dean on FB, served another lawsuit via The Livingston Enterprise publication. This is when you're dodging the summons and the law provides that you may serve them by publication.
This particular lawsuit alleges that Jesscy Dean took a $50,000 deposit to build a mini house, of course that never happened. The walls are closing in on this. Leather-faced scam artist.
Yes this is the same pile of garbage for burglarized my home and robbed me of my dogs. The one who claimed to have had my power of attorney and direction. The name of this page tells it all.
Montana Border Collies, LLC

A beautiful rainbow while exercising the poochies.Shadow, a 6 year old Blue Heeler/Catahoula Cross is a very good dog. W...

A beautiful rainbow while exercising the poochies.
Shadow, a 6 year old Blue Heeler/Catahoula Cross is a very good dog. Well mannered, good obedience and lives to go on adventures. He is neutered and UTD on shots.
Puppy, is a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog cross who is as sweet as cotton candy. He is about 18 weeks old, Has an incredible demeanor, loves all dogs and people, and is well on his way with basic commands.
Please private message me for more information.
Western Montana Pets
Eastern Montana Pets
Helena classifieds for pets 2


I want to give a huge applause to some volunteers who helped with transport, coordination of foster care and the adoption process of several dogs this last week. Heidi Downing-Butcher, THANK YOU for all of the time you donated to help with transportation and placement. These pups are in a better place because of all of you.
Let's remember to keep your pups safe, there are people out there that are stealing dogs.

Chris Wardle

Some of you will get this

Some of you will get this

Happy to be in the shade of our new home.

Happy to be in the shade of our new home.

This little guy is 14 or so weeks old, very, very sweet, shows good signs of obedience at his young age. His a frolickin...

This little guy is 14 or so weeks old, very, very sweet, shows good signs of obedience at his young age. His a frolicking little goofball. He's a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog cross. Believe dad was an Idaho S**g, so super smart. He will be a 70lb dog. UTD on shots, please private message me for adoption information.


I want to say thank you to all who are being supportive. I welcome you to my new house and home and to a new beginning. I will be placing a monument for Kate and burying the few mementos from our life together in a remembrance of the loss of her, my love and my wife.

Thank you all.

True. Keep them safe. Be aware of Jessica  Zimmerman and Prairie Song Rescue or Jesscy Dean on FB. She currently has fel...

True. Keep them safe. Be aware of Jessica Zimmerman and Prairie Song Rescue or Jesscy Dean on FB. She currently has felony burglary, felony evidence tampering and dog theft charges plus many financial scams. She is under investigation for a massive theft ring involving burglary, fraud and theft in two other situations .
Husband Leif Zimmerman is also involved.
Montana Dog Rescue

When your best friend is in The Last BattleIf it should be that I grow weak,And pain should keep me from my sleep,Then y...

When your best friend is in The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad, I understand;
Don't let your grief then stay your hand.
For this day more than all the rest,
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years -
What is to come can hold no fears.
You'd not want me to suffer so;
The time has come, so let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Please do not grieve - it must be you
Who had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close, we two, these years -
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.
— feeling sad.

I love happy adopting families.

I love happy adopting families.

This beautiful soul could use a wonderful home. He is a 9-year-old Blue heeler catahoula leopard dog mix. His name is Sh...

This beautiful soul could use a wonderful home. He is a 9-year-old Blue heeler catahoula leopard dog mix. His name is Shadow. He is neutered, obedience, trained, loving and quite mellow. Though he likes his walks in his car rides. Please Private message me about adoption



How can't you love these two little rascals. Half greater Swiss mountain dog in half Idaho s**g. Really super loving and...

How can't you love these two little rascals. Half greater Swiss mountain dog in half Idaho s**g. Really super loving and playful, 10 weeks old, both are males. Up to date on shots. Incredible dispositions and very willing degrees. Private. Message me for more information.

Jessica Zimmerman aka Jessica Heimer aka FB Jesscy Dean and husband Leif burglary l, evidence tampering and theft charge...

Jessica Zimmerman aka Jessica Heimer aka FB Jesscy Dean and husband Leif burglary l, evidence tampering and theft charges and her convictions

Updates on the burglary charges on Jessica Heimer aka Jessica Zimmerman and aka FB Jessica Dean and Leif Zimmerman of Pr...

Updates on the burglary charges on Jessica Heimer aka Jessica Zimmerman and aka FB Jessica Dean and Leif Zimmerman of Prairie Song Rescue(alleging racketeering outfit)

A hearing will be held Friday to examine whether sheriff’s deputies violated constitutional rights in their attempts to recover a dog alleged to have been stolen.

I have been remiss in putting out a press release about certain events in December of 2023. Because of some questions se...

I have been remiss in putting out a press release about certain events in December of 2023. Because of some questions sent to me, I'm doing it now.
In December 2023, I assembled eight volunteers to help care for and feed my personal dogs and my rescue dogs because I had to leave to deal with family Court matter. One individual's name was Jessica Zimmerman of Prairie Song Rescue. I didn't know her well and I didn't know that she had a warrant for burglary and the theft of another individual's dog out for her in Park county.
Jessica came in on December 14th and by December 18th had a caravan of people removing all of my personal Border Collies, LGD'S and rescue dogs. Jessica took it upon herself and without law enforcement or support of the local shelters, stole my dogs and sold them. She is an anti-breeder who wanted to destroy my working dog breeding lines. It wasn't just my docs. They stole tens of thousands of dollars in other personal property as well. Most importantly, she did this for-profit, yes, she raised tens of thousands of dollars in donations in the sale of my personal property. Jessica then created and staged a false story of dog hoarding and fed it to a local newspaper which was then picked up by other news outlets. Anyone who knows me, my place and my dogs knows that it's clean, well organized and the dogs are well taken care of. I have never had a single complaint, dog returned or health genetic issue. I have never had a healthcare challenge with any of my bred dogs. I have never had a complaint regarding the care of my animals or the conditions of my kennels. As a matter of fact, people admired my setup on my 22 acres of green pastures with seven fenced areas with shelters I use livestock to train and introduce working dogs. Imagine if you've never had a single complaint from a client who bought one of your dogs or adopted one of your dogs and some whack job creates a false story and feeds fake claims, unsupported claims to the media? What would you do with that? ? Anyone who has ever been in my place has only ever paid me compliments. Jessica knew that she was simply stealing these animals and that she needed to cover her crimes with a story to diminish my credibility. Most importantly, this was about money. She was trying to raise donations and revenue. The news outlet that originally printed her claims has since pulled the article and written a new article after material witnesses, stepped forward with personal accounts as recent as December 2023. Jessica's facts were turning out to be bogus and anyone who knows me or has one of my dogs knows that she fabricated a story for her own benefit. To the writer's credit, this time he sought out witnesses and date stamped photographic and video evidence which proved Jessica a liar. Stealing my animals wasn't enough, she had to go out and slander and defame me to harm my credibility. For 6 years I was dealing with my wife's challenges, some that drag me into a dark hole. I have never had anyone ever claim me to be a mean or dark person. But I was dealing with mental health and alcohol challenges that were significantly problematic to our marriage.
Jessica Zimmerman and prairie song rescue violated my most basic inaliable constitutional rights by removing my property and selling it without due process of any Court or law enforcement. She is a common criminal who used my situation to create a false story for her own financial gain. Imagine if this happened to you, what would you do? She has slandered and defamed me with false claims. I have detailed out why I went to Michigan which was on a family court-related matter which was resolved and dismissed. But I'm including that information below for your reference.
The back story:
In 2019 for 18 months we were fostering my wife's grandson after COS removed her from her daughter, Lydia Baker's custody because of allegations of neglect and abuse. I failed to return for a family court date because my wife was having mental health and sobriety challenges which were causing her to do a number of reckless and dangerous things including driving while intoxicated with a minor in the car. I felt it was more important to take care of that little boy and my wife. In 2019 I was summoned to deal with my divorce related issue. Because I failed to go back they put out a warrant for my arrest and I was summoned in December of 2023. I have never even had a traffic ticket conviction in 34 years. When I finally returned through the courts in Gallatin county to Michigan, all charges were dismissed and my arrest records were ordered destroyed and any alleged debt was relinquished. My record is still clean of any kind of convictions. It was an embarrassing and difficult time in my life. I was concealing my wife 's sobriety challenges and chose to stay and protect her and her grandson that we were fostering. I regret my decision not to return for that court date, it caused me great problems. The bottom line story is here that nobody should be able to burglarize somebody, steal their property and then to cover their crimes make up a story that is unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. But Jessica Zimmerman is clinical and dangerous. Believe me, she can be quite convincing because she may actually believe it herself. Jessica Zimmerman is unhinged and dangerous in my opinion and everyone should stay away from her and Prairie Song Rescue. She goes by numerous aliases one of them being Jessica Heimer and on Facebook Jessy Dean.
I am selectively in-taking certain surrenders and rehabilitating them and finding them homes. But I'm doing it in a limited way because I have a lot of work to do in recovering my own property.
I have filed a lawsuit in Gallatin county and I am desperately trying to recover my stolen dogs and personal property. If anyone has any information please contact me right away.

These two little brothers are incredible. They're 9 and 1/2 weeks old, up to date on shots and wormed, they have the swe...

These two little brothers are incredible. They're 9 and 1/2 weeks old, up to date on shots and wormed, they have the sweetest kindest dispositions and are very loving. They follow at your heels. They are greater greater Swiss mountain dog, border collie cross. Please private message me for more details.


365 Coffee Creek Road
Bozeman, MT


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