Felicity has been working on her "touch" command and rocking it. Once she is solid this will transition into touching items besides my hand and then closing doors etc. It is a fun trick to teach and she loves to learn!!
Night time fun training session with shadow before he goes home tomorrow. Ziva is upset it isn't her turn. Haha
From the day Felicity was born, I have made a conscious effort to familiarize her with foot handling to enable stress-free nail trims and future foot care. This early socialization has paid off, as nail trims are now a pawsitive experience.
For today's "Felicity Friday" video we are working on confidence and balance/core strength. This is her first time on the bosu ball and she tackled it like a champ!!!
Good morning!! I got busy with family yesterday and forgot to post felicitys Friday video!!
Here it is!
This week we worked on play and starting recall!
This week Felicity is learning "weave". She is crazy smart and loves learning new tricks! It is also great for her to use up some mental and physical energy so that she can rest and then focus on more training!!
We are welcoming Gunner and Luna to Kountry K9s Dog Training, LLC for a few days!!! We have spent the morning exploring and playing! Almost time for mid day naps!!
Recall can be fun and you can be creative with it!