#coloradoreinedcowhorseassociation #coloradoreinedcowhorse #crca #bigskyperformancehorses #reyzintheboon18 #jespersonhorses #reyvonsellarey #cattynquick #nrcha #reinedcowhorse
Last day here at the CRCA Mid America Show
Special thank you to the Jesperson family & Big Sky Performance Horses for having me put your social media stuff together. Always a blessing! Hope you’ve had a wonderful show! #nrchanonpros #nrchayouth #jespersonhorses #bigskyperformancehorses #coloradoreinedcowhorse #reinedcowhorse #CRCA #cowhorses #nrcha #reyzintheboon18
Good luck today! Big Sky Performance Horses/CRCA Mid America
#jespersonhorses #reyzintheboon18 #bigskyperformancehorses #coloradoreinedcowhorse #reinedcowhorse #CRCA #cowhorses #nrcha #
CRCA Mid America
Wishing you guys the best of luck at the CRCA Mid America kicking off tomorrow! #nrchanonpros #reinedcowhorse #cowhorses #nrcha #reyzintheboon18 #jespersonhorses #bigskyperformancehorses #nrchayouth #crca #coloradoreinedcowhorse
Big Sky Performance Horses & Jesperson Horses
We are here in South Dakota for the Road to Texas show hosted by SDRCHA this week. Special thank you to Big Sky Performance Horses & Jesperson Horses for trusting me with your social media! I really appreciate you guys! All photos are uploaded to the website available for viewing and purchasing. Swing by the booth to take a look at video short reels, they can only be viewed here. #bigskyperformancehorses #jespersonhorses #reyzintheboon18 #sdrcha #reinedcowhorse #roadtotexas #nrcha #cowhorses
Everyone should believe in magic.............................
I'm still going through images from stock show. One of my friends flew in from California to help with my crazy ideas; she ran a video camera for me the past 4-5 days. Made things just a bit more fun. And totally worth it!
#nwssequineexhibitors #NWSS2024 #dodgeramfreestylereining #NationalReiningHorseAssociation #reininghorses #DanJames #doubledhorsemanship #reining
NWSS 2024 AQHA & APHA Shows
Yesterday’s roping images are all loaded to the image hosting site available for viewing/purchasing.
2024 NWSS Mounted Shooting
All the images from today’s shooting are now uploaded to the image hosting site. There are some videos but I do not have a way for people to view them.
Was great seeing you all back! It’s been awhile.
2024 NWSS Dodge Freestyle Reining
Just a short clip of two of the wonderful performances we saw yesterday! If you missed it, it's a shame because I really think it was one of the best ones!
We did some video this year at the event, just an extra add on for something special down the road. There is so much that can be done with the images and video.
We are currently still shooting some events at the stock show so not able to do a whole lot of editing and will be playing catch up until Thursday. All the images from the Mentor Matchup, Performance Horse Showdown, the Ranch Rodeo, the Freestyle and the AQHA/APHA show today are all online available for viewing/purchasing.
#NWSS2024 #nwssequineexhibitors #dodgeramfreestylereining #freestylereining #reining #shareeschwartzenberger #nationalreininghorseassociation #rockymountainreininghorseassociation #wishyouwerehere #weloveourhorses #lukegingerich