Our Story
First Class Horse Complex, LTD. located in Bristol, Wisconsin, is owned and managed by Carolyn Kakuska. Carolyn is also the principal trainer and instructor at First Class Horse Complex. She has been a professional horse trainer, instructor and coach for over 36 years. Throughout her career, Carolyn and her students have shown various breeds and disciplines of horses on the local, national and international level. She enjoys teaching and educating horse owners and enthusiasts about their horses and the ways they can improve their relationships with their animals.
In 2013, Carolyn originated The International Equestrian Masters Symposium to further educate horseman about proper care and training of all disciplines and breeds. Currently, she is developing an equestrian school where students are able to learn about horses through lessons, workshops, camps, mini clinics and clinics. These tools are presently available at the farm and will be accessible online in the near future.
She received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Lewis University and earned a Masters in Education in Equestrian Education from William Woods University. She has received certificates in a variety of equine specialties from Colorado State University, Cornell University and Tuffs University.
Additionally, Carolyn is a member of the United States Equestrian Federation, a life time member of the Paso Fino Horse Association, the Professional Paso Fino Trainers Association, the United States Dressage Federation, the American Quarter Horse Association, the United States Icelandic Horse Congress, American Competitive Trail Horse Association, Equestrian Professional, American Equestrian Alliance, American Horse Council and Wisconsin Horse Council. She is also a Resistance Free Certified Instructor. Carolyn is a two time inductee into the International Equestrian Masters Symposium Hall Of Fame. And in 2013 Kentucky Paso Fino Horse Association established The Carolyn L Kakuska Award in her honor.