Final Sun Gold and Bumble Bee Sunrise tomatoes. Farewell to Summer tomato beds/pots and time to start planting Fall/Winter greens, hello driveway romaine!! #labordayclearance #summer2024 #timeforplanting #romainelettuce #timeoftheseason #winteriscoming #starkfamilygardentips #growfood #lagardenz
End of Summer driveway garden report card. #pencilsdown #cucumbers #tomatoes #lessonslearned #summerschool #growingfood #lagardenz
Fresh cucumbers! First Striped Armenian cucumber of 2024. 🥒 #cucumbers #cucumissativus #stripedarmeniancucumbers #drivewaygarden #localgreenZ #lagardenz
Summer food. #sungoldtomatoes #bumblebeesunrise #drivewaygarden #growfood #lagardenz
Garden security we have a critter. Likely a mouse or small rat, feasting on baby tomatoes. Note-in Brooklyn never had issue with rats eating tomatoes plenty of pizza, bodega garbage and Chinese food to satisfy their food needs. Not the case here in Mar Vista, these vermin are health nuts and love fresh produce as much as I do. Need to redouble efforts to critter proof the driveway garden. #csigardening #thewire #stopcritters #humanfirsttomato #thestruggle #growingfood #lagardenz
First Sun Gold of 2024… verdict, yumm!! Battling yellow leaves on the tomato plants but overall they are looking good. I’ve been pruning all yellow leaves weekly (ok almost hourly) and giving the plants extra nitrogen and organic fertilizer. Temps have been cool (low 50s at night). Ready for tomatoes by the bucket, cucumbers and summer greenz. #stokedgardener #growingsh*t #drivegrowing #sungoldtomatoes #compostyourkitchen #growfoodnotlawns #lagardenz
Update from the driveway garden cage (20x5 ft growing cage). Has been a home run, zero squirrel or rat 🐀 incursions since we built cage. Super stoked that we now have a critter proof garden. And looking forward to tomatoes and fresh cucumbers 🥒 in coming months!! #drivewaygrowing #critterproofgarden #localgreenz #eatwhatyougrow #gardenfresh #compostyourlife #lagardenz
Quick update and tip on how to stop powdery mildew/early blight from killing your tomatoes. Simple fix 1.5 ml Water, tablespoon of baking soda, and about a teaspoon of Dawn detergent. Knocked the blight out completely after about 4-5 days of leaf spraying and cutting off leaves which had already started turning yellow. #homemadeplantremedies #stoppowderymildew #saveyourtomatoes🍅 #sungoldtomatoes #growingfoodtoeat #localveggies #lagardenz
Transplant day (Phase One). Testing a staggered transplant of tomatoes over the next 4 weeks to test/hopefully learn more about when is the optimal tomato transplant time to avoid blight, cool Spring overnight temps, etc here in growing zone 10b. #seedlings #learnasyougrow #sungoldtomatoes #sunrisebumblebeetomatoes #drivewaygrowing #growfoodnotlawns #localfood #lagardenz
Update from the new critter proof garden. It’s working!!! #drivewaygrowing #localgreens #growfoodnotlawns #localyums #lagardenz