My heart felt pulled to address this as my name and heritage is linked to it. There seems to be infighting within the “McNab Dog” community, now as I have heard through the grapevine some have been kicked out while others allowed to stay because of being loyal to the community and beliefs. It had no longer continued to be a sportsmanship based cause being the best for the dog. It has turned political, factional and no longer fun! My great great grandfather would be spinning in his grave if he knew how people have played his legacy to their personal human benefit. I am personally sad that this has become what it has as well. Some the “founding fathers” that are in some ways just running males in with females for McNab pups created a revolving door. Tell me that’s “best for the dog? Best for the breed? And not being a puppy mill.” Come on if you all would conduct yourselves with a little respect for the cause, for others and the dog, boy you might have yourselves a fine club and be onto something as far as building a community aimed towards your goals without all this non sense. I’m not venting I’m just expressing to you as a McNab and a dog trainer what I see and being around some fine old time dog handlers the way they conduct themselves, this here it’s messy. Please find middle ground and please do it for the dog’s benefit and have fun!
Thank you,
With Regards,
Ty McNab