Are YOU keeping your weener warm this holiday season? "Dachshund-length sweaters" made by the Crochet Queen herself Shelle Fraley!
These are the 2 females available right now, 800, located in Brookville Indiana 765-561-5576
A few of these beauties are still available, along with some Black and Tans, Dapples, Chocolates...both males and females and long and short haired, located in Brookville Indiana ...all info is on our website
Mother Goose hatched her babies today!
Since today is National PUPPY DAY I thought we should share a short video of the 3 puppies we still have available. All 3 are males, short haired registered miniature dachshunds. Price is $650 for each of the black/tan piebalds and $800 for the chocolate dapple Piebald. They will be ready for their new homes next weekend! Located in Brookville Indiana 765 561 5576 website is
Puppy-cam on Daphne's litter....a few of these boys are still available - the 2 chocolate dapple piebalds and the 2 black/tan piebalds are the ones available (all 4 are males, no females available right now) located in Brookville Indiana 765 561 5576 website is
I hung up a new toy for them, and they are intrigued by it! Those waggy tails!