Sylvester is having a second helping tonight!
Fancy Feast Savory Centers, a culinary delight, cherished by Sylvester!#fancyfeastsavorycenters #sylvesterlove #hungrykitty @followers #fancyfeast@followersers #sylvesterlove
Hello Brunswick Residents! This precious little beauty has been hanging out at the Rusty Lantern (across from Merrymeeting Plaza) for a number of months now. People have been watching over her and feeding her and trying to find out if she has a home or if she needs to go to rescue. So far, nobody has come forward, either to claim her or to provide any information about her. And now there is a NEW WRINKLE-She has not shown up to be fed for several days now---and nobody has seen her around, either. This is EXTREMELY unusual for her--She has never failed to show up for multiple nights in a row. PLEASE---If anyone has seen her, or has any information about her, PLEASE contact either (207) 319-4642 (Kim) or Sullivan Sanctuary at (207) 251-9310. PLEASE help us to help this precious soul!
This is the kitty we are trying to catch a the Rusty Lantern in Brunswick. If you see this friendly kitty please call us!
We are happy to announce that we think we have gotten all the kitties from the Mechanic Falls tragedy together again! Vet visits this week. They seem to be doing really really well very affectionate and they are all eating!
This is the best Christmas Present ever!
Thank you sooo much Flo and all the amazing people at Cooks Corner Hannaford!!!
Miss Madeline and her uncle Rosco!
2 sweet brothers looking for a home!
Hemi is the darker male, he’s super relaxed and sweet cuddle bug!
Dale is the lighter male and just always wants attention also very sweet.. they are double pawed and part Maine coon!
Owner is relocating for work and unable to take them with him 😢
Our Adam is our kitty condo hero!!! He just finished hooking up the heat and fixing the door for our Winthrop kitties!
Yeah Adam! 💕🐈⬛💕😸💕