Hello followers, I know many of you have reached out to us needing assistance with spay and neuter. I wanted to take a minute here and explain to you what the hold us is in getting assistance.
We are a Non-profit group. Every single time we assist with a spay or neuter we NEVER quote anyone the full price. Which means the portion that the owners don't cover we here at AOP do. Last year we helped so many of you with the WV Spay and Neuter grant that we received that we helped beyond our budget. We therefore covered it personally.
We haven't received word yet if we were awarded another grant yet this year. While we work very hard to be a great asset to our community, we don't have outside donations coming in. Without community support and/or the grant we are out of funding to assist.
While it is disheartening to us as our only goal was to assist with spay and neuter, to have to say we can't it is crushing as we feel as though we are letting everyone down.
We thank you for your understanding and as soon as we get word on the grant or any other funding we will post here first. Please make sure you are following our page, as we simply can not go back to all the applications we have received during this closure.
Thanks again from all of us here at AOP