MK9G is Scentlogix (ScentSource) & Vice Versa: On this day 29th February 2024, we proudly announce the establishment of an international bio detection canine system open to agencies, institutions, academics, associations and individuals that seek knowledge of scent detection working dog theories and practices from a fresh, game-changing perspective which is a result of over two decades of joint scientific and practitioner studies. This system , aptly named “Scent for Canine Evaluation and Non-hazardous Training System of Unified Research, Certification, and Education, SCENTSOURCE Tm “.
SCENTSOURCE combines a practitioner-proven scientific understanding of odor with (I) a set of science-defendable standards and definitions, (ii) a globally-unified training system using a suite of well-characterized and scientifically understood non-hazardous biodetection training aids that have been operationally proven to be game-changing alternatives to legacy training aids, and (iii) the set scientific justification and know how to defend the use of these aids logically, expertly, effectively, and successfully in a court of law.
With these desirable advantages, SCENTSOURCE will be able to (I) operate an international and world-class bio detector canine certification program using capable practitioners, (ii) utilize a science-backed and validated suite of non hazardous scent-training aids (ScentLogix) specifically designed to serve as an odor standard for certification and training programs, and (iii) produce an “odor-standard of training outcomes” that K9s trained on other training aids can be benchmarked against.
Visit the link to read more: https://www.facebook.com/share/U2QxDJqF83oYeaJG/?mibextid=WC7FNe
OR Visit: www.scentlogix.com , to read more and find out how your organization, agency or individual can be an international member of a game-changing body.