SOLD - 28, 39, 42, 57, 63, 80, 92, 94
Just one more day to sell this board out or we will roll it over into a $10 Super Bowl Poo! Let's Go BUFFALO!!
Playoff Game #3 for the Bills! WOOHOO!!
Squares are available for purchase at $10 each, and payment can be made through PayPal Giving Fund or Venmo. (Please note that we are not accepting regular PayPal payments due to fees OR Venmo payments with fees taken out - it needs to be a whole $10.)
Please do not make anonymous donations. If you do use the anonymous function with PPGF, please provide us with your transaction ID so we can properly credit you.
AFTER you have paid, please message or comment with the squares you would like (we cannot hold squares). Remember, it's first-come, first-served, so be quick to secure yours!
Payout is as follows 1Q - $75 Halftime $125 3Q $75 FINAL $200
PayPal Giving Fund link:
Numbers will be picked at random when the board sells out. We will post updates as often as possible! Thank you for supporting Pixie Mamas Rescue!! Good Luck!