We had a great session today with my friend, Louie.
Louie was on my Fearful Dog group class and now we are doing in-home sessions. He has been making progress in situations where he feels frustrated or conflicted, buding communication and co fidence around things that make him feel nervous and unsafe. Today he did a version of Free Work, and some fun things near the vacuum cleaner, including asking for pets! #buildingcommunication #buildingconfidence #buildingconnection #mythreecs #dogtraining #untraining #licensedfamilydogmediator #fdm #ccui #funwithdogs #toydog #terrier
#Jade #jadesjourney #villagedog #villagedogmix #fromkoreatoamerica #meatdog #famydogmediator #lfdm #dogs #ilovemydog #mydogsings #internationalrescue #japanesorkoreanvillagedog #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining
He got out of the car but then wanted to come back to it and watch from here. I let him and did some 123 and Up Down. He didn’t want to fl back out, and that is okay! We can come back here another time. #choiceandconsent #choices #positivereinforcementdogtraining #controlunleashed #ccui #familydogmediation #lfdm #australiankoolie #takingitallin #socializing #agency #autonomy #noforce #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining
Life is never dull when you live with an #australiankoolie #Vox #ilovemydog #communicationthroughbarking #shewantsthefridgeopened #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining #funwithyourdog #familydogmediation #lfdm
Life with dogs 💜😍 #villagedog #eastasianvillagedog #southkoreanmeatdog ##fromkoreatoamerica #meatdog #iamnotfood #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining #lifewithdogs #doghouse
Boring day? Try feeding your dog differently than a bowl! Frozen Kongs stuffed with food are a great idea. Licking is naturally soothing for dogs, and working for their food can be rewarding for them. #dinnerideas #enrichment #relaxing #amomentofpease #kong #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining
#vetvisitprotocol #setyourdogupforsuccess #nervous #needsspacefromdogs #beyourdogsadvocate #dogtraining #australiankoolie #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining
#LilyOpal #eastasianvillagedog #trauma #fearfuldog #whichwouldshelike #affinitydogbehaviorandtraining #ilovemydog #favoritedog
After a very stressful vet visit yesterday, where I had to help restrain her for the sedative for X-rays, I am working on simple Relationship Building things with my dog. She is weary of me today, doesn’t want to take her normal morning treat from my hand or want me reaching for her.
I want to be the person my dog can trust. I focus on connection, communication, creating confidence, regulating emotions and building trust. Here’s an example of some of what we do. #noforce #relationshipbuilding #goingbacktobasicsisokay #buildingtrust #fearfuldog #patience #trusttheprocess #learningmoreaboutmydog #recovery #simpletechniques #havefuntraining #choicebasedtraining